Tag Archives: Successful Learners

Scots Poetry Winners Visit Alma

The Scots poetry winners from each class visited Alma House today and recited their poems to the residents. Well done to the boys and girls who performed their poems extremely well . During our visit, the children also chatted to the residents. Thank you to Mrs Henderson for inviting us. We hope to visit again in the near future.

A visitor in Primary 7C

As part of our new topic we have been learning about animal adaptation. To support our class learning, Miss Clendinning organised a surprise visit from Rango, a beautiful chameleon.

During Rango’s visit we asked Mrs McVinnie lots of questions and applied our learning in class to discuss why and how Rango could use his ability to change colour in the wild for protection and survival.

Mrs McVinnie kindly allowed us to hold Rango and some of us even allowed him to walk up our arms!! Miss Clendinning was not so brave!!!

A special thank you to Mrs McVinnie for bringing Rango in and huge apologies from Miss Clendinning to any parents who are now being hounded to buy a chameleon!!




World Book Day 2017

We have had a fantastic day in school celebrating World Book Day. A great number of our pupils came dressed as a character from a favourite book and brought along a copy to share with their classmates. The costumes were terrific, as you will see from the pictures. We are also very grateful, this year, to Dalbeattie Book Shop whose donation of many books has meant that we could allow each pupil to select a free book from previous years of World Book Day publications. The children have also been given their World Book Day 2017 tokens which can be exchanged either  for a free 2017 World Book Day or can be used as £1 towards any book or audio book over £2.99.


















We have been talking about which aspects of spring we are interested in and have chosen to learn more about spring festivals.  We celebrated Pancake Day on Tuesday and learned more about what a recipe is.  We wrote our own recipes for soup and made soup today for snack.

It is World book Day today too. We talked about our favourite stories and some of us made books of our own.


P5 Scottish Wildlife Projects

Primary 5D pupils created 3D models of Scottish mammals and birds and presented interesting facts about their chosen animal. Mrs Dyson was very impressed with how much effort pupils made with this homework task and was amazed with how different each model was. Well done everyone! Pupils gave a presentation to the class then shared their research and models with pupils from P4/5. All models are now on display outside our classroom and have received lots of praise from staff and pupils.

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