Tag Archives: Primary 5

World Orienteering Day

Wednesday 11th May was World Orienteering day. Solway Orienteers visited Dalbeattie Primary School and organised an orienteering maze and other fun challenges. Pupils from P5-P7 all participated in this event.

Photos below show  P7C participating on the day and extending their knowledge and skill levels in orienteering.

P7C6 P7C5 P7C4

P7C3 P7C2 P7C7

P7C9 P7C1 P7C

P5 Group 1 water sports

The first group of Primary Fives  visited Carlingwark Loch yesterday with Mrs Graham and Mrs Robison to carry out some fun activities with the Outdoor Education team. The children were split into three groups and took part in sailing, kayaking and canoeing. All the children had a great time and were very enthusiastic throughout.  Some even braved the cold and snow to have a little swim at the end!

Well done!

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Sumdog Competition

Over the past week, P3-7 have been taking part in Sumdog’s local contest. The contest challenged the children on their maths knowledge and finished at 8pm yesterday.

We are delighted that 3 of our classes managed to be daily winners and are thrilled to announce that P4A were the overall winners of the contest, winning 30 free membership subscriptions for next year!!!

Certificates will be issued to all children who took time to take part after the holidays.

Well done everyone!!



P5D Win Shield at the Music Festival

We were extremely proud of all Primary 5D pupils who performed in the Dumfries and District Music Festival on Friday. The class have loved receiving instruction with playing the ukulele from Mr Butterworth every fortnight.  Mrs Dyson would like to thank Mr and Mrs Butterworth for all their input and support. The class enthusiastically performed “What shall we do with a ukulele?” and won the Ian Hart Shield and a Certificate of Commended Performance. The adjudicator commented: “You sang strongly and clearly throughout. Balance between the ukuleles and singing was always good. Strumming was largely rhythmic and chord changes were confident. Overall, an excellent approach resulting in an enjoyable performance.” We look forward to adding our engraving and displaying the shield. A big thank you to Mr and Mrs Butterworth who also presented every pupil with a special medal when coming off stage – a wonderful momento of our performance!

Ukulele Music Festival 1


Ukulele Music Festival 3   Ukulele Music Festival 2   Ukulele Music Festival 4

P5D take part in RSPB Birdwatch

Primary 5D pupils recently took part in the RSPB’s Birdwatch. Rangers from RSPB Mersehead worked with the pupils to help them identify a variety of birds in our local environment. Pupils carried out their study and then  recorded the class results on the RSPB website. Pupils also had fun making their own bird feeders on the day too.

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Salmon in the Classroom!

We are very excited to be participating in the Salmon in the Classroom Project run by Galloway Fisheries Trust. We  set up a tank system in school where 100 salmon eggs were left to hatch under our care. The Eco Committee and Primary 5D pupils received a visit from a fisheries biologist who told us all about the lifecycle of the Atlantic Salmon and how to care for them as part of this project. Classes throughout the school have watched a short animation film all about their lifecycle. Our eggs have now all hatched and the salmon (now known as alevins) are currently feeding off their yolk sacs. Next week, members of our Eco Committee, Mrs Dyson and Mrs Howie will accompany the salmon as they are released by the fisheries biologist at the Dee Hatchery next to Loch Ken.

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P5 Visit RSPB Mersehead

Primary 5 enjoyed a great day visiting RSPB Mersehead as part of their topic work  “Around Scotland”. We learned about the journey of Barney the Barnacle Goose as he made his way from Svalbard in the Arctic Circle to Mersehead. We collaborated in groups to create our own beach art using natural materials. We observed and identified a variety of birds. We also learned about the lifecycle of the rare Natterjack Toad which can also be found at Mersehead.

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