Tag Archives: Primary 3

P2/3 and P3 Woodland Activities

Fantastic morning spent up the Rounall Woods today(11.9.19)!
The children had such great fun exploring, identifying and building! After a successful scavenger hunt the children worked in teams to design and build their own ‘Home for a Hedgehog’ and Stick Skeleton!
Cooperation, problem solving and creativity at its best!!!



P3 Baking with Annette

On Wednesday 26th June, P3 had a lovely visit from local lady Annette Need.  Annette is a baker and she also runs the Colvend Producer’s Market.  We thought this would fit in perfectly with our Food and Farming topic.  She kindly brought in all the ingredients for us to make our own pizzas.

Firstly, we had a chance to taste all of the lovely ingredients – some of which we would not think to put on a pizza.  It was great to see all of the different faces when sampling the food!  We then had to roll our dough and put our tomato sauce base on.  We had the option of three different cheeses before then selecting out toppings.

After making the pizza, we put them in the oven to cook.  Not long after, we were able to safely transport our pizzas back to the classroom before saving them to take home.

Thank you Annette for taking the time to come and do this with us – we thoroughly enjoyed it.  Thanks also to the two high school pupils who helped, Miss Aitchison and also to Mrs Houston for allowing us to use her facilities again.

Mrs Wixon








Primary 1,2 and 3 were all very excited today as Mrs Duncan and Mrs Howie joined their classes to share with them their Book Bug(P1) and Read, Write, Count bags(P2 and P3) . The book bags are part of the Scottish Government initiative which aims to inspire a lifelong love of reading, writing and counting, and strengthen links between home and school learning by supporting parents in taking an active role in their child’s learning to give them the best start in life.  Mrs Duncan and Mrs Howie read the books from each bag with the children and shared the motivating learning games and activities with them. The children were very also very excited to have been given their bags to take home and share with their families. We look forward to gathering  feedback in due course about how families have used these together.

Primary Three Woodland Walk

As part of our topic, and to link in with our topic maths this term, P3 adventured up Rounall Wood again. It was a glorious day and we wished we had left our jackets in school, however we never can tell with the ever-changing weather. Ailsa even gave a ladybird a lift on the way up!
After finding a spot to stop and have snack, we learned a little of the history of the wood. We were then given a right angle challenge, where we had to use sticks to make a shape/design which contained lots of right angles. We also looked at all of the angles round about us and discussed if they were bigger or smaller than right angles.
We then grabbed our collecting jars with magnified lids and we carefully collected some of the different mini-beasts found in the wood. We got some spiders, worms, woodlice and other little creepy crawlies.
On the way to the bog and pond area we looked at the signs of danger which related to the steep sides from the quarry. Once at the pond, we were given ‘no salt dough’ to make some funny faces using the nature from all around in the woods. We discussed why it was no salt dough, and that although we were not leaving it in the woods, salty dough would not be very kind to the animals if they were to eat it.
Finally, before heading home, we were given a compass (in pairs) as we have been learning about compass points. Although we found it quite tricky to get the hang of using, we were able to see the compass points and find North, South, East and West.
Mrs Wixon had the added bonus of having Mrs McConnell, Bryony and Kerry to help with the activities on the day. Thank you ladies, and thank you to the very well behaved P3 class!

Primary 3 Farm Trip

Primary 3 had a great trip to Boreland Farm Colvend on Wednesday 9th of May. Thank you to Stephen and Tracy Roan for allowing the class to visit and sharing their farming knowledge and experiences with the class. Thank you also to Fiona Jamieson from RHET for co-ordinating the trip along with Mrs Dunlop. The children were so excited to share their learning with others on their return to school. Well done P3.