Tag Archives: Primary 1

Releasing our butterflies.

The butterflies that we have looked after since they were tiny caterpillars were big enough to be released into the wild today.

We have watched them grow from tiny caterpillars, through their chrysalis stage and finally emerging as Painted Lady butterflies.

Today we took them to our playing field and watched as some immediately flew away and some stayed for a while to say goodbye.

They have given us so much enjoyment over the past 5 weeks.

P1F Dinosaur Models

On Thursday afternoon we invited parents and friends to join us for some fun making junk model dinosaurs!  First of all we sang a dinosaur song and then we began creating our dinosaurs.  We had a brilliant time making them and we think the mums and dads enjoyed themselves too!!  Mrs Fitzsimmons and Miss Reid were extremely impressed with the  creativeness shown and would like to thank everyone who came along again for helping and supporting the children.