2023/24 P2/3 Class Page Mrs R Mclean and Mrs Murray

Mrs Mclean                           gw08mcleanruth@ea.dumgal.sch.uk  Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu a.m

Mrs Murray                            gw18murraykatherine@ea.dumgal.sch.uk Thu p.m and Friday.


P.2/3 have Queen of the South football coaching tomorrow morning so can wear their P.E kit (Thursday). It is also Their Sports Afternoon depending on the weather. Please bring a jacket to keep warm.

13.5.24 Homework task.

The class produced excellent homework presentations about a woodland animal of their choice. They found information about habitats, food they eat, predators and lots of extra facts too. who knew that a group of frogs are called ‘an army of frogs’ and that woodpeckers have long tongues. Well done p.2/3.

P.2/3 visited the Rounall wood last Thursday to identify different trees, leaves and seeds but to also have some fun in the fauna!


9th April 2024

Planetarium Visit

P2/3 had a great visit to the Dark Sky Planetarium in Kirkcudbright on Tuesday. They shared their learning from last term and found out new facts about the planets and space from Laura. The interactive activities were also great fun and supported learning.


Just a short reminder that P.2/3 will be going on their trip to the ‘Dark Space Planetarium’ in Kirkcudbright on the 9th April after the Easter break. On speaking to the dinner staff, they feel that a packed lunch for the class would be the best option in case we get back to school too late. The choices would be tuna mayo,cheese or ham on a wrap/sandwich. Of course if you opt to bring your own packed lunch from home, that is totally fine too.

23.2.24 Active Spelling

P2/3 were working on learning their spelling words using active approaches. Mrs Duncan even let us write in the tables!!!


Some photos from the start of the day.



A couple more houses.

Houses Presentations

P.2/3 have made a brilliant effort at producing models and pictures of houses to talk about to the rest of the class. Everyone spoke clearly and answered questions sensibly from their classmates. Well done all of you.

Tuesday 3.10.23

The red group in our class were practising using a QR code today to upload a website onto an i-pad. I only expected them to do tens and ones in the Place Value activity, but they challenged themselves by doing hundreds, tens and ones. Well done red group.

Thursday 28thSeptember

Write a short story about ‘The Stormy Night’. Think about what you could hear and see.  Did anything happen? e.g. Did the refuse bins fall over, slates fall off your roof etc. How did you feel ? Bring your story into me(Mrs Mclean) on Monday. I’ll enjoy reading them.

Wednesday 27th September

  • Fairtrade booklet about Pablo the Super Banana (in blue reading folders)
  • Stem activities(First level) on Dalbeattie Primary school Blog
  • P.3 practise writing and learning all your add facts to 20                e.g. 20+0 = 20, 19+1 =20                                                                                            P.2 practise writing and learning all your add facts to 10                         e.g. 10+0 =10  9+1 =10

Tuesday 26th September

Click on the link below for some other ideas for Maths Week

Games to play for MATHS WEEK

In the next 3 days, P.2/3 so far have:

  • a new reading book to practise
  • spelling words
  • a Sumdog password in their little red spelling jotter. (activities have been set)
  • home learning walls for numeracy ( I’m not expecting all the tasks to be done but I thought they had good ideas on them for revision)
  • continue with house project e.g making a 2D or 3D house to talk about in front of the class.

I will be adding a few links  but please remember to get fresh air too as we normally have P.E on a Tuesday and Wednesday. We have been practising skipping with a rope this term.  Also, Mrs Gray still has her videos on her BLOG to get ideas. Thank you Mrs. Mclean


We were writing a letter to Bob the builder today to ask him to fix something in our house. 19.9.23

P.2/3 Talking Activity

As part of our ‘Talking and Listening’ work this term, we are working on talking in front of the whole class. I would therefore like the pupils  to do a talking presentation about a house of their choice. They can do a 2D or 3D representation of the house in their talk. The talks will be heard by the rest of the class(the audience), on the week beginning 9th October 2023. Each child needs to be prepared for that day.

Primary 2 Walk in the Community Sept ’23

Believe and Achieve

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