P7C Artwork

Primary 7 have been learning about WW2 and have created some excellent pieces of art work reflecting their learning on the Blitz and life as an evacuee.

We developed our blending skills to create fiery backgrounds and had a super discussion about colour and loose drawing styles to create emotional evacuee drawings.

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SSFA Primary 7 Soccer Sevens

Today it was the turn of our P7 football team to take part in the SSFA Soccer Sevens regional qualifier. The team played against 5 other schools during the tournament and represented the school extremely well. The team showed determination throughout each game and displayed very sporting behaviour at the end of each match. Mr Cathro and myself were both very proud of the team performance. The team finished fourth overall in their league. Well done boys.


Nursery News

Last week we had a focus on numbers.  We did several number hunts, played number games and counted lots of things.  We were very good at finding numbers around us and went to look for numbers in other places in the school.

On Thursday we had our open sessions.  It was lovely to have so many parents in nursery and the children enjoyed sharing their learning.

We have also had Mrs Whitty’s ducklings in for a visit.  We enjoyed watching them eat and drink and they were very soft to touch.

With the Christmas Fayre later this week, our craft table was almost like a production line and we are looking forward to having a full stall on Thursday night.  We look forward to seeing some of you there from 6pm-8pm.

SSFA Soccer Sevens Primary 6

Well done to our Primary 6 football team who took part in the SSFA regional round of the soccer sevens tournament at Palmerston Arena on 22nd of November. The team played very well together on the day and were great representatives for Dalbeattie Primary. They displayed positive attitudes on the pitch and were very sporting at all times.  Out of 8 teams they came fifth. Both Mr Cathro and myself are very proud of the boys and their team achievement. Well done.

Good luck to our P7 team as they prepare to play in their tournament on Tuesday 29th of November.

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P6G Art work

P6 have been busy creating some fantastic art work to go with our Victorians topic. We used pencil to sketch portraits of Queen Victoria, adding details with shading.

Next we created chimney sweeps with chalk and charcoal. This was trickier as you cannot rub out mistakes!

What do you think?

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Children In Need and Malawi Fundraising

On Friday 18th November, we had a non uniform day to raise money for Children In Need and for the Janice Jamieson Memorial Fund to sponsor our young person in Malawi. Throughout the week, the School Pupil Council also ran a competition to turn Pudsey all spotty in ‘Spottiland’ for a ‘spotacular’ fundraiser with Children In Need prizes for five lucky winners. Altogether an amazing £410 was raised and the money will be split between the two charities. Thank you to everyone who supported this.

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Creative Construction

We have done a bit of rearranging in nursery in order to create a larger area for the children to build and allow them the freedom to access different types of building materials by themselves.  This week we have been testing it out.  It isn’t quite finished yet, but we are having a lot of fun.  The large bricks and the tools were the biggest hits!

To continue the construction theme, we read about the Three Little Pigs.  We enjoyed playing with puppets and masks and used them to retell the story.  Some of us created our own stories about how we would trick the wolf if he came to our house!


More Code Club Congratulations!

A few of our Code Clubbers were unable to make our final session of Module 1 so the photo below shows them receiving their certificates. They also shared their thoughts of Code Club. I am very proud of all their efforts over the course of Module 1.    Mrs Dyson


“I enjoyed experimenting and being creative with the projects.” (Myah)

“I liked completing all the projects because they all had a unique style, for example, in Ghostbusters, the ghost kept disappearing to different places.” (Gregor)

“I enjoyed making a selection of games and personalising them.” (Heather)

“I really enjoyed making my Ghostbusters game. I learned to change backgrounds and sprites.” (Tia)

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