P6 Cross Country Competition

On Monday 7th March Primary 6 held their annual cross country competition in Colliston Park.  The children had been in training having completed a block on jogging and then fitness.  There was much cheering from parents and children as all crossed the finishing line!  Well done Primary 6!

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First boy past the post was Leon Pipe.

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First girl home was Tia Thorburn.


Well done to all our winners!



P7 High School Transition

This term Primary 7 have been taking part in some transition sessions with Mr Bremner, Mr Donnelly and Miss Stewart from the High School.

Mr Bremner has been teaching probability in maths. We have had a great time sorting skittles and working out the probability of choosing certain colours – we even got to eat them at the end!!!

With Mr Donnelly, we have been learning about the importance of shading and adding tone to our art work.

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In Drama, Miss Stewart played some really funny warm up games with us. We loved playing the stage direction game as well as some of the concentration games. In the last session we worked on freeze frames for different scenarios. It was really goof fun!!

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P7 Rugby

For the last 4 weeks, both Primary 7 classes have been taking part in a block of tag rugby with John Muir.  During the first couple of weeks we took part in a variety of games which helped us to develop our rugby skills and understand the flow of the game better e.g. remembering to always pass backwards and using all the spaces on the pitch. Miss Clendinning was very impressed with how quickly we managed to build up our skills enough to play some short games.

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World Book Day March 2016

book characters from p5 and 6 2  book characters from primary 6 and 7 book characters in p3

book characters in p3and4 book swap p1 book swap p1and2

Book swap p2  lots of characters in primary 1and2 more book characters from p5 and 6

more primary 2 book characters nursery book characters Owen and Logan sporty book characters

primary 2 book characters Three Wallies

There were lots of colourful characters in school on Thursday 3rd March. Children came to school dressed as their favourite characters from books they had read. They brought these books to school and shared them with their class. We also had a book swap where the children were able to bring in any unwanted books from home and to swap them for some others.


Quiz Night

Thank you to all those who joined us for our Family Quiz Night on Friday 11th March. 10 teams participated and challenged their brains at the end of a busy week. The quiz consisted of 8 different rounds with questions and puzzles for the whole family. Thanks to Keith Dickie for coming along to compare and run the event. The winning team on the night were the ‘Quizzer Sisters’. Well Done.

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P5D Win Shield at the Music Festival

We were extremely proud of all Primary 5D pupils who performed in the Dumfries and District Music Festival on Friday. The class have loved receiving instruction with playing the ukulele from Mr Butterworth every fortnight.  Mrs Dyson would like to thank Mr and Mrs Butterworth for all their input and support. The class enthusiastically performed “What shall we do with a ukulele?” and won the Ian Hart Shield and a Certificate of Commended Performance. The adjudicator commented: “You sang strongly and clearly throughout. Balance between the ukuleles and singing was always good. Strumming was largely rhythmic and chord changes were confident. Overall, an excellent approach resulting in an enjoyable performance.” We look forward to adding our engraving and displaying the shield. A big thank you to Mr and Mrs Butterworth who also presented every pupil with a special medal when coming off stage – a wonderful momento of our performance!

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Eco Group Release our Salmon

We are excited to be participating in the Salmon in the Classroom Project run by Galloway Fisheries Trust. On Thursday, nine of our Eco Committee members, Mrs Howie and Mrs Dyson had the wonderful opportunity to accompany our salmon (known as alevins as they are now hatched) as they were released at the Dee Hatchery next to Loch Ken. Thank you very much to Rowan Armstrong from the Fisheries Trust. We look forward to returning to this release site in the Summer term to see how the salmon have developed.

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salmon release 7

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