Category Archives: Whole School

Assembly and Head Teacher’s Awards

In  assembly this week, we sang through our songs for our harvest assembly next week. Tuning and timing improving all the time.

Katie shared information about Birchvale Youth drama group with confidence.

I shared a new poster that is on display around the school about safeguarding with the children.

Sports and house capstone and vice captains were also presented with their badges.

Awards this week were all for showing kindness and being a role model.

Home Learning

Home Learning Challenges

Below are a range of challenges as starters that you can use with your child(ren) today for home learning. Teachers will also be putting specific tasks for their classes on individual class pages in due course. In no way do we expect all aspect of challenges to be completed these are just ideas that you might find useful.  Please do not go to any extra expenses either to buy resources to use as there are lots of activities that don’t require additional materials.J

Early Level (Nursery P1) First Level (P2-P4) Second Level (P4 -P7)

Please have a look at the level above or below your child’s class stage as well as there might be challenges of interest to them in these areas too.

Early Level Challenges

Early Level Challenges 2

First Level Challenges

First Level Challenges 2

Second Level Challenges

Second Level Challenges 2

It is also Maths week Scotland and below are some links that might be of interest to you for use over the next few days.

Maths Week Scotland 25th Sept-1st October

Below is a link with ideas for maths and numeracy actives that you might find useful .

Photo Competition

Shape Ideas

If you would like some fun PE activities to use over the next few days please look at Mrs Gray’s page on the blog as all her fun PE videos are still available for lock down.

Mrs Howie has also posted an Eco Activity on the school committee page that may be of interest.

Fun 31 22.9.23

A few pictures from P4 participating in Just Dance for Fun 31.

P2 and P3 chose to have a construction station with the cardboard blocks and Kapla. They also had a transport station set up with cars,car mat and train tracks. Mrs Murray had a group participating in a guided drawing task.

Parent Council AGM

All parents/carers of children attending Dalbeattie primary school are invited to attend the Parent Council AGM at 6:30pm on Thursday 28th of September The meeting is in person but we can arrange to have teams available if that would allow you to join. Please contact the school office if you would like to join via teams. All are very welcome and we look forward to seeing some new members.

Dalbeattie Primary Parent Council AGM 28th September

Assembly and Head Teacher’s Awards

We were joined in assembly today by PC Blacklock. PC Blacklock is our school community police officer and she joined us to tell the children about her role and to remind everyone about behaviour when out and about in the local community and how we treat others.

Awards were given out today for increased confidence, great descriptive writing, making good choices, settling into new classes and showing kindness. Well done to all award winners.

A few reminders were also shared at assembly about not being on bikes or scooters in the pedestrian  area or school playground, internet safety and how we treat others  online and litter in the playground. I am sure the children will be able to tell you more.

The lost property trolley was also shown to the whole school as there are a significant number of school jumpers( with no names) accumulating on it. Hopefully some of these jumpers will make their way home with the children,.

Fun 31 Week 2

Today I joined P2 and P3 classes for Fun 31. Everyone had selected their room of choice either board games, construction or jigsaws. Everyone was very busy and engaged in their 31 minutes of play. It was great to see the interactions between the children.

I also went to see how other classes were engaging. In P4 and P5 groups children were participating in play through STEM, outdoor activities or board games. P6 and P7 groups were playing chess( there was a request for a chess club), painting and drawing, construction and model making.

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P1 also joined altogether in their open area for Fun 31 this was a great opportunity for Miss Johnson and Mrs Fitzsimmons to observe the play and look towards how they can enable different play over future weeks.

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Head Teacher Awards and Assembly

In assembly today I shared the first story from the book Our Rights by Jake Hope.
Please ask your child(ren) what the story was about. I will be using other stories at future assemblies to develop knowledge and understanding of children’s right as we work towards our Silver Right, Respecting School Award.

Lots of fantastic reasons for awards being given out today. Working hard on scissor control, developing letter and number formation, giving 100% effort, taking initiative and offering help to others were just a few of the reasons for awards today. PE awards were for care and control during games of lacrosse and showing rhythm and timing when skipping. Well done to all our award winners this week.  


WOW Travel Tracker

We are once again taking part  in the WOW travel Tracker initiative to encourage children to participate in active travel. Children can earn badges on a monthly basis based on their active travel patterns. Below is a short video that explains the initiative and how we use the travel tracker to record journeys to school.