Category Archives: Whole School

Assembly and Head Teacher’s Awards

A busy assembly today. Reverend Wilson  joined and shared the story of Zacchaeus.  We watched a short clip to share the importance of Remembrance  and awards were given out. Lots of creative writing this week, effort with phonics, settling well back into term 2 and showing perseverance with learning were all reasons for awards today. Well done everyone.

I have also shared a picture of some of the great poppy creation made by our nursery children for Remembrance.

A second picture is also included of our 7 Stars dancers. I am still trying to get all 7 together.


Children In Need Next Week

Children in Need

Next week is Children in Need Day (on Friday 17th)

The School Pupil Council would like to re-run the spotty ball lucky dip again for the chance to win one of an array of Pudsey prizes: a colour photo will also be uploaded on school blog page and on Facebook.

Please note this is this is a voluntary activity. There is no expectation for all children to participate as we are mindful of cost to families. (Last year the children brought in £1 per ball which they drew out of the ball pit to reveal their lucky numbers. Many children brought in money for multiple balls.)

Two separate activities are detailed further below*.


This year, we would like to keep it a little more manageable. It will be £2 per ball and is limited to ONE ball only per child.   Please note, it is optional to participate.

Because we shall be carrying out ball pit lucky dips at lunchtimes, we really need your child to bring his/her donation in an envelope clearly labelled with name and class. Envelopes will be collected in first thing on each of the three mornings. We want to avoid money getting lost between 9am and lunchtime.

Ball pit lucky dips will be on set days as follows:

P7, P6/7, P6 and P5 classes will be on Wednesday 15th November at lunchtime

P4/5, P4, P3 and P2/3 will be on Thursday 16th November at lunchtime

P1/2 and P1 will be on Friday 17th November at lunchtime

Please can your child only bring his/her £2 ball lucky dip money on the correct day. Numbers will be drawn from the hat at Friday’s assembly to decide the winners. Thank you!


On Friday 17th November it is actual Children in Need Day. On this day, we shall not be doing any extra activities but the children would like to have a non uniform day (wearing something bright or yellow or spotty if possible.) Suggested donations of £1 per child can be brought in on this day. Any money collected for the non uniform event will be shared equally between Children in Need and The Janice Jamieson Foundation Trust to sponsor a young person’s education in Malawi. Thank you for your support!

Assembly and HT Awards

We started the first assembly of the term with some hymns. The P6 and P7 had great recall of these and encouraged the younger classes to sing along.

We celebrated the success of our group 7 Stars who participated in the Stewartry Active Schools dance festival. The group was awarded best overall performance. The picture taken today shows 6 of the 7 stars. We will update on Monday with our 7 Stars. The group will perform their dance to us at a future assembly. Pictures and videos will also appear on active schools Facebook page.

Awards were presented this week for underwriting a super sentence, being a super star and role model to others in the class, being an excellent listener, excellent attitude to learning and wonderful literacy skills, showing leadership in creating dance routines, being determined to succeed with learning and enjoying a new history topic.




Assembly and Head Teacher’s Awards 13.10.23

P7 were not with us in assembly today as they were at Operation Safety in Dumfries. They had a great day and lots of information to share on their return.

As P7 were learning about all things safety, it was good opportunity to remind P1-P6 about safety in school in terms of SHANARRI wellbeing indicators, UNCRC Children’s Rights and our school code, rules and routines. The children had some very good knowledge about safety in school, keeping themselves safe and looking out for others. As well as physical safety being discussed emotional safety was also brought up by the pupils too with some very thoughtful comments.

Awards today were given out for a variety of reasons some being engagement with writing, sharing knowledge e about red squirrels with the class, completing all work task efficiently,helping tidy the open area, showing great IT skills with music maker and having rhythm when skipping. Well done to all our award winners this week.


Rag Bag Week

This week on Thursday is our Rag Bag Collection day. Please do send unwanted clothes in if you have any on Tuesday or Wednesday but definitely by 9am on Thursday.  Clothes can be in any type of bag. Your support in this is much appreciated as the weight collected determines a payment for school which goes into our ongoing eco work. This is just a small idea of how you have helped us in the past!


Assembly and Awards 6.10.23

A very busy assembly this week. We celebrated harvest time by singing some of the songs we have been learning this term. We thought about things we are thankful for particularly the food we have and the producers that are busy at this time of year harvesting crops.  Thank you to everyone that has sent in items  for challenge poverty week. Items donated will be shared with the local food bank.

We were joined by representatives from Dalbeattie Rotary Club today to celebrate winning the National Rotary Young Environmentalist competition. Our young environmentalists Rory, Isabella and Lucy were presented with this award by Kate Kerr the President of Dalbeattie Rotary Club. Attached is a copy of the presentation shared today at Assembly by Mrs Howie.

Young Environmentalist Powerpoint assembly 6.10.23 pdf version

Our new eco committee and pupil councillors were represented with their badges.

The rugby teams from Wednesday were presented with certificates from Miss Dooley.

Awards were also presented this week for a wide range of reasons. well done to all award winners.

Young Environmentalists

Pupil Councillors

Eco Committee

Award Winners with donations for foodbank.

Fun 31 and Maths Week

Lots of engaging play and fun this week in Fun 31 in P2,3,4 and 5

P2 and P3 have chosen vehicles, block construction and drawing as their activities.

P4 and P5 were using water colour paints, sticker activities,physical activity outside and just dance.

P1 combined their fun 31 with art and maths week activities by creating symmetrical pictures.

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