Category Archives: Whole School

Christmas Church Service

Today we went to Dalbeattie and Kirkgunzeon Parish Church for our Christmas Service.  P7 pupils read poems that shared the Christmas story and the whole school sang a range of carols that they had been learning. Rev Wilson also shared a Christmas message with us. It was wonderful to have family members join us for the service thank you to those that were able to join us today.

Merry Christmas everyone and have a safe and happy holiday.

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Assembly and Head Teacher’s Awards

Today we were busy learning more of our carols for Christmas. Everyone was certainly in good tune.

Awards were given for a variety of reasons this week.  Being a role model, excelling in all areas of learning, showing skill in technology challenges and singing, facing challenges with confidence, being helpful in class and always trying their best to come in with a smile were all reasons for awards today. P4 got a class award for the effort in their French lesson this week.Well done everyone.

Assembly and HT Awards

We began learning our carols for Christmas today in assembly today. We managed the first three. I know classes are also learning these. Please feel free to have a listen as they are in a previous blog post.

Lots of certificates give out today to. We presented P7s with their bikeability level1 awards, P4/5 and P5 also received certificates recognising their participation in Alistair Jack’s( MP)Christmas card competition. Unfortunately no winners or runners up this year.

Head Teacher’s Awards today were given for brilliant blending of cvc words, for showing fantastic determination in writing, being classroom role models and having fantastic attitudes to learning, excellent research and contributions during topic work about the Victorians, increasing confidence and consistently putting in their best effort were all reason for awards today.

Our 7 Stars dance group also performed their winning routine from the Active Schools dance competition earlier this year. The girls were amazing and show cased their dance really well. We certainly have confident individuals here. Video to follow.

Carols for Christmas

Christmas 2023


Assembly and Head Teacher’s Awards

In assembly this week we learned about Children in Need. We found out about the history of the charity and what funds raised are used for. Thank you to Mrs Howie and the pupil council for organising our lucky ball raffle this week.

Head Teacher’s Awards this week were presented for a range of reasons. These included improved participation in discussions, being an excellent role model in class, being fantastic science partners during learning for demonstrating school value of kindness.Well done to all our achievers.

Our P7 playleaders were also presented with their certificates today. The P7 sports captains and vice captains have been taking part in play leader training with Amy and John from Active Schools. The play leaders will now use their skills to set up a variety of play activities for different classes at lunchtimes.

Classes were also presented certificates of participation for entering the name the gritter competition run by Dumfries and Galloway Council.  Unfortunately, the names we entered weren’t picked this time but always great to take part in local competitions.

Children in Need

At Dalbeattie Primary we have raised approximately £380 for Children in Need and a further £150 for sponsoring a young person’s education in Malawi as our yearly pledge to the Janice Jamieson Memorial Foundation. Through the week
 we have been raising money with our spotty ball pit lucky dip and through having a non uniform day. 11 lucky winners won Pudsey prizes because their lucky ball numbers were picked from the hat. Well done the School Pupil Council  for organising this and working hard to co-ordinate the drawing of the ball numbers. Thank you all for your terrific support for these charities.

Assembly and Head Teacher’s Awards

A busy assembly today. Reverend Wilson  joined and shared the story of Zacchaeus.  We watched a short clip to share the importance of Remembrance  and awards were given out. Lots of creative writing this week, effort with phonics, settling well back into term 2 and showing perseverance with learning were all reasons for awards today. Well done everyone.

I have also shared a picture of some of the great poppy creation made by our nursery children for Remembrance.

A second picture is also included of our 7 Stars dancers. I am still trying to get all 7 together.