Category Archives: Whole School

Fairtrade Breakfast (3rd March)

Thank you to everyone who supported our Fairtrade Breakfast this morning! We were excited to be participating in Fairtrade Fortnight by holding our very own Fairtrade Breakfast. Fairtrade tea, coffee, hot chocolate, orange juice, apple juice, toast with Fairtrade jam and honey, Fairtrade geo bars and  Fairtrade oaty biscuits were all on offer. A big thank to the Cooperative Food shop in Dalbeattie who kindly donated the Fairtrade bananas. We also had some taster Divine chocolates to sample. Mrs Van Zwanenberg, a local Traidcraft representative, joined us with a variety of Fairtrade items available for purchase. Look out for our article and photos in the Galloway News soon. We are looking forward to another great Fairtrade breakfast next week. Please contact the office if you wish to attend and haven’t yet returned a slip or if you wish to return for another great breakfast!

(please click on the individual photo for a full size photo)

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Fairtrade Breakfast 2   Fairtrade Breakfast 3   Fairtrade Breakfast 8

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Salmon in the Classroom!

We are very excited to be participating in the Salmon in the Classroom Project run by Galloway Fisheries Trust. We  set up a tank system in school where 100 salmon eggs were left to hatch under our care. The Eco Committee and Primary 5D pupils received a visit from a fisheries biologist who told us all about the lifecycle of the Atlantic Salmon and how to care for them as part of this project. Classes throughout the school have watched a short animation film all about their lifecycle. Our eggs have now all hatched and the salmon (now known as alevins) are currently feeding off their yolk sacs. Next week, members of our Eco Committee, Mrs Dyson and Mrs Howie will accompany the salmon as they are released by the fisheries biologist at the Dee Hatchery next to Loch Ken.

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Scots Assembly

On Friday 26th of February, we held a Scots Assembly to celebrate learning throughout the school. Children from P3/4, P4,and P5 performed traditional songs they have been learning with Feis Rois tutors. Scots Poetry winners from each class recited their winning poems and Mrs Fortnum’s country dancer performed two dances.

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Primary 3/4 , Primary 4 and Primary 5 performed traditional songs. 

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Poetry winners.                  Greg Cowan P7 Burns Collage winner.

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Burns Poetry Winners Visit Alma

Class winners from this years Burns Poetry competition visited Alma House in Dalbeattie today to perform their winning poems to the residents. All the children performed brilliantly and spoke with resident during their visit. Thank you to Alma staff for the yummy cakes and juice provided during our visit. We hope to visit Alma again later this term to share more musical performances.

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