Category Archives: Whole School

Children In Need

Today we had a fun run wearing bright and sporty clothes to raise money for both Children in Need and the Janice Jamieson Memorial Trust to sponsor the education of a student in Malawi.

At the time of writing we are delighted to have raised the sum of £341. If anyone has not yet brought in a donation and would still like to contribute, we can still add more money to the total next week. We would like to say a big thank you to everyone for supporting these charities and for our young people for wearing their bright, sporty outfits and for showing such enthusiasm in participating in today’s event.

We would also like to say a huge thank you to Mr Drennan, the Sports Department and Sports Leaders of Dalbeattie High School. Today, we were not only able to use all the High School facilities but Mr Drennan and the Sports Leaders also organised warms ups for all the children before we made our way our onto the athletics track for running several laps. Some children managed quite a number of laps. Everyone enjoyed this ‘fun’ morning which proved to be a great start to a Friday morning.

Later in the day Mrs Duncan held two assemblies for Primary 1-4 and P5-7 where there was a focus on these charities. we were also joined by Rev mark Smith.








Dalbeattie Learning Campus Remembrance Events

Dalbeattie Learning Campus has been the venue for two very special events to commemorate the 100 year anniversary of the end of WW1.

The first event, in partnership with the Dalbeattie Branch of the Royal British Legion Scotland, took place on Thursday 8th November at 7.00pm. This was an evening community concert held in Dalbeattie Learning Campus’ Heughan Hall, which was started off with Marching The Colours (carried out by Mr Dingwall and Mr McNay) followed by contributions from The Stewartry Wind Band, Galloway Pipes and Drums, The NYCOS Choir, The Heughan Choir and three dramatic sketches performed by students from Dalbeattie High School Drama Department, the producer and director being Mrs Inga Blamire. These sketches were very moving and included: a ‘Train Station Scene’ as the wives waved their husbands goodbye as they went off to war; the soldiers in the ‘WW1 Trench’ waiting for the signal to go over the top; and ‘Hospital and Home’ as sad news came back from the front.                                                                                          All three scenes were enhanced with items borrowed from Dalbeattie Museum. Also significant, was the presence of two ‘Ghost WW1 Soldiers’ and two ‘Ghost WW1 Sailors’ who stood in silence throughout. This, together with the placing of ‘There But Not There’ silhouettes placed randomly amongst the audience, was a very thought provoking touch, organised by The Royal British Legion Dalbeattie Branch. Outside the school, to greet people was a reconstruction of a WW1 tank, created by Mr Stott. The evening was rounded off with some excellent refreshments prepared by Dalbeattie High School’s Mrs Houston and Hospitality Department, sponsored by Dalbeattie Museum.

On Friday 9th November, during the school day, there was a very special dedication service for the return of the school’s WW1 Memorial Plaque from Dalbeattie Museum (where it was temporarily housed while our new school was being built and which has recently been restored by Dalbeattie’s Men Shed.) At this service, 105 long stemmed poppies, each labelled with the names of the 105 former pupils who lost their lives in WW1, were placed in front of the brass plaque by pupils and staff of both schools, prior to its being mounted on wall. Pupils who are members of Sea Cadets, Army Cadets, Scouts, Guides, Brownies and Cubs wore their uniforms in school for the ceremony. We are grateful to Dalbeattie Royal British Legion for organising the long stemmed poppies, the laying of which has been a fitting way to re-dedicate our school’s WW1 memorial plaque. The personal stories of some of the 105 names on the plaque were also highlighted in a slide show while the 105 names were read out. Pupils Katie Mein and Ruari Webster also read some moving poems. Drama sketches by Dalbeattie High School Drama students and singing by the Heughan Choir were also repeated.

Both events were attended by Mark Smith of Dalbeattie and Kirkgunzeon Parish Church who also contributed to proceedings. The school has also been delighted to display a beautiful poppy fall, in the main reception area, during this important period of Remembrance. The fall of knitted poppies was created by volunteers from the Church.

Interspersed throughout the drama, the High School’s senior Reps and House Captains informed us all about the history of WW1 and its relevance to the pupils of Dalbeattie Learning Campus symbolised by the return of the school’s WW1 Memorial Plaque. Mrs Duncan and Mrs Chambers, the Primary and Secondary Head Teachers co-ordinated events at both ceremonies, which have been praised by all for being so moving and special.

At a separate Remembrance Assembly, Mrs Duncan shared a beautiful book from Poppy Scotland with pupils in Primary 1,2 and 3. The poppy fall has now been removed ready for display in Colliston Park for the Remembrance Service at 11am (all people to be assembled at 10.50am) and the 105 named poppies are now on display in Dalbeattie Museum window.














Food Bank Donations – Thanks.

Margaret Copp from Dalbeattie and Kirkgunzeon Parish Church would like to the children and families for the kindness  and donations from our Harvest Assembly. The staff at the Food Bank were delighted and wish the children to know their contribution will make a huge difference to many families. The number of families accessing food banks is on the increase as food and fuel bills rise, as well as the cost of baby items.  Margaret would like to wish pupils and staff a successful second term.

Photos below show the Food Bank collecting donated items from the Church.


Harvest Assembly

Today we held our Harvest Assembly. Pupils were thanked and congratulated on the fantastic donations provided for the Harvest Hampers. Mrs Duncan also created a Harvest Rainbow in the the hall with the help of some pupils and colourful fruit. The children certainly demonstrated their vast knowledge of different colours of fruit.

Miss Copp and Mr Sanderson collected the Harvest Hampers on behalf of Dalbeattie and Kirkgunzeon Parish Church and will give our donations to the local Food Bank.


As well as all things Harvest, there were several awards to hand out today.

Jamie and Abbie with presented with their Junior Road Safety Officer Kits.

The P7 Soccer 7’s Team and Harris were presented with their Head Teacher’s Awards as they will be busy tomorrow afternoon during our usual awards time.

Prizes were also presented on behalf of the local EIS who held a poster competition last term to create a poster to welcome Refugees to Scotland. We had the overall winner and two runners up her at Dalbeattie Primary. Well done to Cara, Willow and Caleb.