Category Archives: Whole School

Scots Poetry and Head Teacher Award Winners

Today in assembly, not only did we have more deserving  Head Teacher’s Award Winners but we also celebrated the success of our Scots poetry finalists. In Primary 1-2, the runners up were Sophie Pennell, Evie McGougan, Cameron Hitchell, Aiden Edgar, Lucas Tattersfield, Katie Dickie, Jessica Boynton and Lucy Johnstone. The winners were Reuben Benson, Lucy Smith and Rory McCormick.In Primary 3-7, the runners up were Anaya Nerestan, Ailsa Ferguson, Fern Lundy, Elsie Gibbs-Brown, Daisy-May Gilmour, Ava Drummond,  Jasmine Wixon,  Liam Bourhill, Laith Atkinson Deacon, Fabio Murray-Sanchez, Thomas Jardine and Fraser Campbell. The winners were Lucy Bell, Sam Donnelly, Chloe Campbell, Jack Johnstone, Grace Hurley and Olive Lyons. The recent success at curling for Logan Carson was also highlighted. The Rev Fiona Wilson was also present.

Cash For Kids

Dalbeattie Primary School is proud to present local charity Cash For Kids with a cheque for £252 which was raised by our ‘Christmas Jumper Day’ which we held on the last day of term before the Christmas holidays. Our photos show the presentation of the cheque and the children and staff wearing their jumpers on at the service in Dalbeattie and Kirkgunzeon Parish Church on the last day of the Christmas term.  Cash For Kids’ Emma Cowan said she was very grateful for this donation and it would be put to very good use.



Christmas Service in Church December 2018

The school has enjoyed a lovely end of term service in Dalbeattie and Kirkgunzeon Parish Church. The Primary 7 pupils performed a play entitled ‘A Super Christmas,’ directed by Mrs Duncan, where some superheroes were rather worried when they thought they would be out of a job due to a ‘new superhero’ coming to the world. Meanwhile, some shepherds had also heard the news and were on the way to find baby Jesus, following a star which the angel had told them to about. On the way, they met the superheroes and all was explained. Eventually, they all found baby Jesus and the superheroes realised they could still have a useful job but that Jesus, as  Saviour of us all, was there to help us all share God’s love and to feel part of his Church.  Mark Smith then shared his message about Christmas with the children before we all sang the songs we had been practising, Child in a Manger and Ding Dong.

Awards, RNLI Fundraiser and Wow Tracker

At this week’s assembly, the children had a visit from Sue Ingram who gave an update about the Wow Tracker. She has brought badges for all the young people who have had the most ‘walk to school’ active journeys. Mrs Farish and Mrs Strachan, from Kippford RNLI Lifeboat Shop,  also joined us to receive a cheque for £300 which has been raised from our fundraiser to collect 5p coins in little jam jars. This week’s Head Teacher’s award winners  are also pictured.

Awards 30.11.18

Today, our awards were given for achievement and effort in numeracy. In addition to finding out about these winners, we also learned about some bug hotel work, in partnership  with Threave NTS,  from Primary 3 pupils.  Also celebrated, was swimming success for Jessica, Aulay and Ruari. The Wow Tracker (active routes to school) November monthly award was presented to Primary 5 for their results in walking to school.