Category Archives: Whole School

Remember Future Museum tomorrow 3.15-6pm Tuesday

Come along and look at our exhibits to see what our young people thought of the plastic objects which were found on a recent beach clean.  This has been an activity in which the whole school P1-P7 took part, working collaboratively together.

£1 entry  is for  juice and biscuits and a short quiz sheet. There will be  a chance to vote for your favourite team name and also the team with the best imagination. There will be prizes for the winners and for three lucky entrants whose sheets are pulled out of the hat. Prizes will be given later in the week.   Do pop in for a visit.

Reminder this Friday is 2p for 200 coin challenge in aid of RNLI

Please remember that this Friday 21st June is the day for children to bring in any 2p coins they have gathered up for our fundraiser for Kippford RNLI. The School Pupil Council will be helping pupils to lay their coins on a design, using 200 x  2p coins, to make the number 200 on the school playground. Once we have laid 200 coins, we will start a second layer and so on. One layer will amount to £4 but hopefully we will get enough coins to make a few layers,  increasing the amount we raise. Our water safety talks from a RNLI member will be in the afternoon.                                                                                                          Please also remember the  Kippford Lifeboat poster competition. (details are in  a previous post.) Entries  for this should be given to Mrs Howie by Thursday 27th June. Thank you

Songs for End of Term Assembly

Songs for end of term June 2024

Every Journey

Friendship Forever

Here Comes Summer !




Assembly and HT Awards

Well, technology was on our side today and we managed to have a run through of our songs for the end of term assembly. The children have been learning these in class with their teachers and were all in good voice.

HT awards were given out today for a wide variety of reasons. There has been some successful recount writing in P1 this week,listening carefully and producing quality work, achieving success criteria in writing and taking on feedback, being kind and helping out different groups in class, being a super friend and working incredibly hard throughout this year were some of the reasons for awards today

Well done to all our award winners today.

We also shared the success of both our football teams at assembly today. The teams were presented with their certificates for participating in the tournament. As a school we also nominated and voted for a player of the tournament in each team.  The winners of these awards were Cameron and Chelsea.

Citizenship Booklets

We are inviting children who currently have William Heughan Trust Citizenship booklets to bring them in to school be assessed and considered for interim certificates and/or awards at the end of term. Children currently in Primary 1 may have a completed brown one which they were given while they were in nursery. Current P2s and P3s may have a grey one, which will now be either one or two thirds completed and children currently in P5 or P6 may have a yellow one, likewise being either one or two thirds completed.  Please send booklets into school FAO Mrs Howie week beginning 17th June. They will be returned to the children to keep at home again, thereafter., to continue completing. Thank you.

Assembly and HT Awards

New certificates designs shared in HT awards today. Our new certificates have a background sharing the school motto and values. We hope that seeing the school values on a regular basis will help the children remember and apply these to all that they do throughout the school and classes.

Lots of awards this week. Some of the reason were for creative writing, great numeracy ,lots of fab jumping in P.E. Some great team work in P6 this week and achieving whole class targets in writing in P4/5 were also reasons for awards. P7 also received a class award for their work during their enterprise day on Thursday. Some great team work, collaboration and co-operation . Great skill to take them forward to secondary school.

Well done everyone.

Our netball teams were also presented with their certificates form the netball tournament yesterday. Congratulations again to both teams again.

Fun 31 Across the School

Lots going on for Fun 31 today across the school. Some great outdoor painting and creativity. Some imaginative obstacle courses, tennis and skipping in the playground. A range of outdoor physical activity tasks on the mugga and grass. P7 loved the parachute and some dodge ball in the hall. Some very imaginative lego building inside as well.

Article 31 The right to rest, play ,culture and arts

Speak Out, Stay Safe Assemblies and Head Teacher’s Awards

Today we held two assemblies. The focus for each assembly was the NSPCC and Childline message Speak out, Stay Safe.


UNCRC – Article 19 – Protection from violence,abuse and neglect

UNCRC – Article 27 – Adequate standard of living.

Awards were also given out this week at both assemblies. There were awards for demonstrating commitment to learning, showing kindness and always including others, showing commitment to art, being recognised by classmates for achievements  and hard work.

Well done to all our award winners this week.

UNCRC – Article 28 Access to Education

RNLI Water Safety and 2p for 200 Fundraiser


Later in June, we shall be welcoming someone from the RNLI to talk to us about water safety. On the same day (Friday 21st June) we shall both mark the occasion and commemorate the 200th anniversary of the RNLI with a fundraiser, organised by our School Pupil Council. The challenge is to collect and bring any 2p coins you have at home or receive in change over the next few weeks. The school pupil council will help pupils to lay their donations onto an interesting design, chalked out in the playground on 21st June. So please start looking for the those 2p coins for our “2p for 200 Challenge.”  Also, please  remember on a connected theme, from another recent post about the poster competition for Kippford RNLI. Entries for this to be in by the Friday 28th June.