Category Archives: Whole School

Outdoor Challenges

Two Outdoor Challenges

Over the remaining weeks of school, why not have a go at one of these two challenges. Please send any photos of your activities by Tuesday 30th June. Thank you

  1. Woodland Walk Photo Quiz

Click the link below for an activity to do with your family. Please email Mrs Howie the answers and, if possible, a photo of you taking part in the activity, which can then be posted on the school blog.

Woodland Walk Photo Quiz

2: One Planet Picnic

As an end of term treat, why not plan a socially distanced ‘One Planet Picnic’:

What is a One Planet Picnic? What is different about a One Planet Picnic?

  • It’s a picnic that is good for you and good for the planet. That means: Choose as many ingredients as you can that are local and seasonal, organically grown or ethically traded.
  • Reduce food waste and packaging waste.

Why hold a One Planet Picnic? There are many reasons. Here are some we can think of:

  • It’s a fun way to get to know some of the great foods and places local to you. Your money goes into the local economy, helping local people and businesses.
  • You will begin to recognise and enjoy foods that are better for the environment. You will reduce packaging and food waste. You can build relationships with friends, family, colleagues and neighbours.

If you would like more background information from Eco Schools, you can click on the link below for more information. However, remember to carry out your picnic according to the most recent guidance from the Scottish Government in relation to which Phase of the Route map we are in at the time of your picnic.

Please do send a photograph of your picnic!

Reopening of Schools In Dumfries and Galloway

Please find attached below a letter for Parents and Carers from our Director of Skills, Education and Learning Dr Gillian Brydson.

 Letter to Parents & Carers – Reopening of Schools in D&G

Further information will follow in due course about the reopening of Dalbeattie Primary School.  We continue to work with an ever changing picture and will share what we can when we have more definite details around classes, groupings and what the school day may look like for our young people on their return to school  in August

Thank you

Transition Week beginning 15th June 2020

All classes have a transition activity as part of their learning grid this week. Please support and encourage your son/daughter to complete this task. Unfortunately we are unable to carryout our normal moving on afternoon so this information will help new class teachers get to know your young person better.

Further information is also being delivered to our new P1 pupils. This contains an ‘All about me Activity and an information letter for parents.

Some short information videos will also be available soon.

Current P7 Pupils should be continuing with their Transition activities that are being shared through the Transitions Team that they are all part of.


Pupil Reports 

At this time in the school year we usually send home a summary report of your child’s progress. Learning has been  affected by lockdown but despite this it is important that we share with you the progress in learning that your son/daughter has made from August 2019 to the end of March 2020.  

Reports will be issued on Friday via email. Please keep a check for emails arriving – times will vary depending on the speed of our system. 

If we do not have an email address for you then reports will be delivered to you in due course. 

Active Schools Regional School Sports Week

Lots of teachers have shared on class grids this week the Active Sports  Regional Schools Sports Week Information.

Please try to participate in this event throughout the week and send your pictures in to Active Schools. It would be great to see as many Dalbeattie Primary Pupils as possible participating in this.

Lots of ideas on the above links.