Category Archives: Whole School

Sponsored Walks

Three great sponsored walks today. The sun shone and everyone had a great time. Some pupils chose to run rather than walk round the track and managed to fit in a few extra laps. Once we have a total amount raised we will let you know next week.

Below are a selection of pictures from our day.

Head Teacher Awards

Well done to this weeks award winner(sneaked in a photo from last week and one from today to follow). Great to hear about positive efforts with learning, kind and helpful pupils and those that are great role models for others. In our online assembly today the children were also reminded about respect. Respecting each other, respecting the adults that help and support them in school and respecting themselves.

ICT Information Home Learning Information

Information below was issued to parents in email 18.9.20. Please read through and check your child(ren) can access all ICT applications as required in information below.

Go to this Sway

Head Teacher Award Winners 18.9.20

We are getting to grips with holding our awards online on a Friday with all the children safely in their classes and Mrs Duncan in the office. It is great to see all the classes on the screen and still have the whole school approach and ethos but in a safe way.

Well done to this weeks award winners. Some fantastic information  was shared by the class teachers  about the learning in all classes. We have had some amazing maths, great writing, fab classroom helpers and maturing attitudes. Awards were also given out today for P.E and Outdoor Learning.