Category Archives: Whole School

World Book Day Thursday 4th March

World Book Day 

World Book Day is Thursday 4th of March. Normally we would invite the children to bring their favourite books to school to share with their teachers. Unfortunately, due to restrictions at this time we are unable to do so this year.  

P4-P7 classes all have World Book Day activities on their learning grids this week and I am sure that P1- P3 staff all have great things planned for World Book Day in classes on Thursday 

Although we can’t have favourite books brought into school, wwould really like to see pictures of pupils with their favourite books and will share these in a gallery on the school blog. Please post pictures of pupils on class dojo profiles or send to classes teachers emails who will then forward to myself to create the gallery. Look forward to seeing everyone with their favourite books. 

Thank you

Weekly Message 26th February

This week it has been lovely to welcome back our P1-P3 classes to school.  We were also given a little hope with the Government announcement that we may see P4-P7 class back in school with us soon.  I am holding onto that little bit of hope and have shared a story and message with the children about hope this week.

Take care all and have a good weekend.

Weekly Message

Earlier this week I shared information about Safer Internet Day through Dojo. I hope some of you managed to use these resources.  My message today reinforces the need to stay safe online through children being SMART thinkers.

I have also shared an exciting achievement for Dalbeattie Primary this week.  I hope everyone will join me in celebrating our recent success.

Safer Internet Day -Tuesday 9th February 2021

Today is Safer Internet Day. Throughout all online learning in school and through home learning  we promote and encourage online safety. The theme of this years safer internet week is:

An internet we trust: exploring reliability in the online world.

The Safer Internet Centre shared the following:

” This year in the UK, Safer Internet Day explores reliability online. The internet has an amazing range of information and opportunities online, but how do we separate fact from fiction?

Safer Internet Day will be celebrated globally with the slogan: Together for a better internet. ” 

Below is a link to a  virtual assembly that encourages 7-11s to think about information they find on line. Can they trust the information or should they check it?

There are also two stories about Smartie the Penguin for P1-3. These stories are about Smartie’s adventures on line but also how he stays safe.

Safer Internet Virtual Assembly 7-11s

Weekly Assembly/Message

Oops just realised I am a day ahead with my date on the video. Today isn’t 6th of February it is 5th of February.

Good afternoon everyone. I hope you are all well and staying safe. In this weeks message boys and girls I have shared some positive mental health statements with you. I know that some of the teachers this week have been encouraging you to express yourself as this has been the theme for Children’s Mental Health Week. Well done everyone that has taken part in this. I have enjoyed watching some of your dances, looking at some very creative paintings and some people have even used Mrs Picken’s music videos/Sways to help them express themselves.

Take care everyone and stay safe.

Mrs Duncan

Children’s Mental Health Week

This week is Children’s Mental Health Week. Being physically active is a very important part of helping mental health. Here are some pictures of pupils from P1-P3 out and about cycling, climbing hills,walking in the forest. Well done boys and girls.

Please remember everyone to get out and about and participate in some daily exercise during this current time. Mrs Gray would really like to see all the different ways you are being physically active.

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Weekly Assembly/ Message

Good afternoon I hope everyone is well and staying safe. This weeks assembly has a Scottish theme. I have thoroughly enjoyed watching  the videos and listening to the audio files that have been sent into the teachers of children reciting their Scots poems so I thought I’d share a few more poems with everyone today. Take care everyone.

Mrs Duncan

Weekly Message

Normally on a Friday  afternoon, we would be holding our online assemblies in school. Unfortunately this isn’t currently possible. Below is my first recorded message/assembly for the children.

I hope to be able to share a recorded message each week with the children. This recording is by no means perfect and like all staff in school we are currently learning new IT skill to be able to deliver learning  in interesting and creative ways for the pupils.

A link to the book I have shared is also included below in case anyone is interested in reading and sharing with children at home.


Christmas Videos

Unfortunately, we have been unable to host our usual Christmas Nativity or school show this year due to current COVID restrictions. However, classes have thought safely and creatively to bring a little festive cheer  to round off the term.

We hope you enjoy the following videos created by individual classes or those from the same bubble. Some careful media skills were used to create one particular video so that health and safety was managed carefully (thank you Miss Clendinning).

Merry Christmas Everyone

Take Care and Stay Safe


Mrs Duncan and all at Dalbeattie Primary School