Category Archives: Whole School

Eco Celebration

You may recall from one of my weekly messages during lockdown that I shared the fantastic news that we
have achieved our 7th Eco green Flag. To celebrate our achievement, Mrs Howie has planned a fantastic 7k
for 7 Flags event for families to participate in over the Easter holidays. There is also a photo competition to
enter as part of the event. Dalbeattie Rotary, another partnership organisation to the school, are sponsoring
prizes for the photo competition. Please note the information needed at the end of the trail (for question 7)
will not be available until the holidays actually start.
Information about the event is posted below.

7K for 7 Flags Eco Challenge (1)

20210319132955122_Photo Competition Additional Information pdf (1)

Final Week in Hub

A busy final week in the hub. Creating cartoons using drama, photos and technology. Further creative art and craft ideas. Construction and building using Lego and Kaplia. Mrs Fortnum also hosted a table top games afternoon.

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Weekly Message

I hope everyone is well this week and staying safe. This is my final weekly message before we welcome the P4-P7 classes back to school next week. Hopefully, I will be able to deliver my assembly next week live to all classes again from the office. I hope this message today encourages the children to think about meeting friends old and new as they return to school next week. I also  hope the children can think about their own special qualities and those of others as we all come back together in school.

Staff are all looking forward to welcoming the classes back and are here to help and support pupils as we know this is once again another change as we return to school.

Take care everyone and have a good weekend.

Online Payment and Pre-Ordering of School Meals 

Please find attached a copy of a template letter that is being sent out to all parents and carers about a new online payment and pre-ordering system for school meals that we will be using here at Dalbeattie Primary. This letter is being sent to you from Facilities Service – Catering. The letter you will receive will have specific information for your child(ren) and setting up an online account. Should you have any questions about this new system, please contact the email address on the letter.  

template letter

Weekly Message 5th March

Once again a busy week for all both in terms of home learning and in school learning. It has been great to join a few more Teams meetings this week and see some of the children not currently with us in school. I have also enjoyed hearing about and seeing all the World Book Day activities that have been taking place. My weekly message today focusses on one of my favourite books that I Iike to share with the children in school at assemblies and the theme of kindness.

Have a good weekend everyone and take care.

World Book Day – Favourite Books

As you know we were unable to bring our favourite books into school yesterday to share on world Book Day and we asked that children share pictures of themselves with their favourite books through dojo or email. Thank you to everyone that has sent in pictures. It has been great to see the range of books that the children enjoy reading or have read to them. It was great to hear how many of the children had favourite bedtime stories too. There are some of my favourites among the books and some titles that have certainly stood the test of time and been enjoyed by many generations. You might notice in the pictures that some children presented and shared their favourite book in class via dojo, some pupils read their books in unusual places, some pupils managed to dress up in as a character from their favourite books and some masked readers have also appeared in the pictures. Well done everyone. Thank you.

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Red Nose Day Friday 19th March

Red Nose Day is Friday 19th of March. Hopefully we will have all children back in school that week and will have a Comic Relief /Red Nose Friday to round off the week. We would like the children to dress as Superheroes or wear something red on the day(sorry not red football tops)Superheroes may be characters the children already know or they can use their imagination and create their own superhero character and costume for the day. There is no pressure to participate. If children don’t want to dress up then they should come to school in school uniform as normal. Donations for Comic Relief would be welcome and should sent to school in sealed envelopes. Money will be quarantined before counting and we will share final total raised at a later date.  We look forward to seeing all our Superheroes supporting Comic Relief.