Category Archives: Whole School

RSAC Scottish Rally Launch

The children had the opportunity today to look round two of the rally cars that will be taking apart in the RSAC Scottish Rally when it comes to Dalbeattie on 20th July. The children got to sit in the cars and imagine what it might be like to drive or be co-driver/navigator. The emergency vehicle used at the rally was also available fort he children to look at. There were certainly lots of questions being asked, horns hooted and sirens tested.

Thank you to Peter Clingan and the RSAC committee for involving the school  in this  event.

If you are in and around Dalbeattie on 20th of July why not check out the service area at Jas. P. Wilsons

The winners of the colouring competition were also announced as part of the launch today.

1st Isabella , 2nd Lucas,3rd Izzy and highly comment to Ella.


Remember Future Museum tomorrow 3.15-6pm Tuesday

Come along and look at our exhibits to see what our young people thought of the plastic objects which were found on a recent beach clean.  This has been an activity in which the whole school P1-P7 took part, working collaboratively together.

£1 entry  is for  juice and biscuits and a short quiz sheet. There will be  a chance to vote for your favourite team name and also the team with the best imagination. There will be prizes for the winners and for three lucky entrants whose sheets are pulled out of the hat. Prizes will be given later in the week.   Do pop in for a visit.

Reminder this Friday is 2p for 200 coin challenge in aid of RNLI

Please remember that this Friday 21st June is the day for children to bring in any 2p coins they have gathered up for our fundraiser for Kippford RNLI. The School Pupil Council will be helping pupils to lay their coins on a design, using 200 x  2p coins, to make the number 200 on the school playground. Once we have laid 200 coins, we will start a second layer and so on. One layer will amount to £4 but hopefully we will get enough coins to make a few layers,  increasing the amount we raise. Our water safety talks from a RNLI member will be in the afternoon.                                                                                                          Please also remember the  Kippford Lifeboat poster competition. (details are in  a previous post.) Entries  for this should be given to Mrs Howie by Thursday 27th June. Thank you

Songs for End of Term Assembly

Songs for end of term June 2024

Every Journey

Friendship Forever

Here Comes Summer !