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Primary 5/6 Europe Topic – Italy

Primary 5/6 have had a fun afternoon learning about Italy. They were split into groups and rotated around different stations.

Station 1: Tasting Italian food and comparing it to Scottish food – Bread Sticks, Ferrero Rocher, Italian Coconut Cookies and Chocolate Chip Biscotti.

Station 2: Looking at real Italian greetings cards and making their own using Italian language.

Station 3: Using maps to locate Italian cities and finding out how people travel around Italy.

Station 4: Researching Pompeii and finding out about the volcano by looking at photos and reading books.

Some comments the children made at the end of the lesson:

Lily – “I learnt that the people of Pompeii didn’t know what a volcano was”.

Nicole – “I learnt that Italians eat very strange food but they probably think our food is strange too”.

Archie – “My favourite fact was that people in Italy use different stamps at Christmas time than the rest of the year”.

Jake – “I enjoyed learning about and tasting new Italian foods”.

Nursery, P1 and P1/2 Easter Fun

Yesterday the children from the nursery joined with P1 and P1/2 to do some Easter activities.  Pre-schoolers from Birchvale Nursery joined us as well since this was a great opportunity to begin preparation for going to school.  We all had a great time.  It was lovely to see the different age groups working together and we hope that this is the start of more regular events like this.


Cash For Kids

Dalbeattie Primary School is proud to present local charity Cash For Kids with a cheque for £252 which was raised by our ‘Christmas Jumper Day’ which we held on the last day of term before the Christmas holidays. Our photos show the presentation of the cheque and the children and staff wearing their jumpers on at the service in Dalbeattie and Kirkgunzeon Parish Church on the last day of the Christmas term.  Cash For Kids’ Emma Cowan said she was very grateful for this donation and it would be put to very good use.



Mrs Mclean – Primary 5/6 Electrical Circuit Games

Primary 5/6 have shown excellent team work, creativity and problem solving whilst creating these electrical circuit games and toys. The games include a quiz which lights up if you get the correct answer, an operation game which lights up if the tweezers touch the tin foil, a buzz game in which the buzzer goes off if you accidently touch the wire, an electrical moving motor toy and a game in which you have to test if items inside the box are conductors or insulators.