Category Archives: successful learners

Assembly and Awards

Today in assembly P7 pupils Emily, Katie D ,Katie H and  Isabella presented the outcome of our Vison, Values and Aims review. They were confident at sharing their report to the whole school.

We are now waiting on our logo being finalised by the graphics team for us. We will share completed update in due course.

VVA report back assembly (1)

Head Teachers Awards were given today for lots of worthy reasons as always. Some of the reasons included, learning and applying new mathematical concepts, enthusiasm for reading and summarising the story, excellent initial ideas in art for a Tam O Shanter picture and showing enthusiasm for learning in all curricular areas. Well done to all our award winners this week.


Fun 31 P1 – P3

P1 had some great fun with the musical instruments as part of Fun 31 today.

Wren and Ethan from P2/3 were busy creating a Christmas tree from Lego.

Numeracy and measure crept into Fun 31 today and we were also busy measuring with the multi link cubes to see if the towers could be as tall as Mrs Duncan. We then measured how long the cloakroom door was. Great counting and measuring Aria and Owen. We also used a meter stick and calculated the door measures 3m 21 cm.

Author Visit

Primary 4,4/5 and 5 had a visit from author Sarah Coyle as part of the Big DoG Schools tours organised by Wigtown Festival Company.

The children heard how Sarah writes her books. They were involved in creating stories with Sarah deciding how they would develop and end.  They really experienced bringing a story to life. Sarah also shared extracts from her books with the children. Top tips for creating stories were also shared with the classes.

Assembly and HT Awards

We began learning our carols for Christmas today in assembly today. We managed the first three. I know classes are also learning these. Please feel free to have a listen as they are in a previous blog post.

Lots of certificates give out today to. We presented P7s with their bikeability level1 awards, P4/5 and P5 also received certificates recognising their participation in Alistair Jack’s( MP)Christmas card competition. Unfortunately no winners or runners up this year.

Head Teacher’s Awards today were given for brilliant blending of cvc words, for showing fantastic determination in writing, being classroom role models and having fantastic attitudes to learning, excellent research and contributions during topic work about the Victorians, increasing confidence and consistently putting in their best effort were all reason for awards today.

Our 7 Stars dance group also performed their winning routine from the Active Schools dance competition earlier this year. The girls were amazing and show cased their dance really well. We certainly have confident individuals here. Video to follow.

Fair Achiever School Award

Dalbeattie Primary is delighted to have been awarded, once more, Fair Achiever Status on 17th November. Over the last two years the School eco group has been involved in activities during Fairtrade Fortnight. This has included class learning and making chocolate and banana muffins with donations of ingredients from local shops (Castle Douglas Tesco, Dalbeattie Co-op and Spar) which helped us to fundraise for the Fairtrade Foundation. In 2023, we also had a successful community challenge which involved pupils searching for Fairtrade products in local shops. We were praised for this in our feedback to our recent application. Thanks go to Dalbeattie Co-op, Londis and Spar for facilitating this activity and to CD Tesco for donating prizes.  Being a Fair Achiever School, means we can attach the logo, being held here by the Eco Group in our photo, to our school headed paper. Going forward, The Eco group has now been tasked with going away to think about ways to do a similar community challenge, to talk about at our next meeting, so that we can plan for Fairtrade Fortnight 2024!

Sharing Learning

Our P5-P7 classes were invited to join S2 Health and Wellbeing classes to play games they had created about feelings and emotions. The children then voted on their favourite games. Thank you Ms McQuade and S2 for inviting the classes to join you at Dalbeattie High School.  P5 have not yet visited they will go along with beginning 20th November.

Pictures show P6 working with S2.