Category Archives: effective contributors

Beach Clean Sunday 21st April at Rockcliffe

Last week the Eco Committee gave a super presentation about their recent litter survey in the playground. They also highlighted an event this coming Sunday 21st April: Rotakids, in partnership with the school Eco group,  are organising a beach clean at Rockcliffe between 1pm and 3pm. Please do come along. No  one needs to stay for the entire two hours. Just pop along for however long you can stay, with an adult accompanying you, and help pick up some plastic. It is planned to bring the plastic finds back into school as a stimulus for some creative writing, later, for our Future Museum. This is an idea the Eco Committee had some time ago. Well done to those people  who undertook this activity in their own time. The plan is now to create some more exhibits for our ‘Future Museum’  with some collaborative writing in groups back in school using the bits of plastic we find on Sunday. More information on this is to follow later. Thank you Rotakids and Mr and Mrs Cathro for organising the event on Sunday. Thank you Dalbeattie Community Initiative for lending us extra litter pickers. Activities like this also help the Eco group to carry out their work and to complete activities towards their next 9th green flag application. It is recommended that people use the top car park at Rockcliffe and walk down to the beach where we will have equipment ready.

Friday Focus

Today we had our first Friday Focus meeting. This is something new we are implementing to provide all children the opportunity to talk about their learning and have a say in some of the school developments and to make their suggestions about school.

We had some light refreshments during our discussions which went down well.

Some confident individuals today who shared their thoughts on what is going well in Fun 31 and what they would like to change. Well done everyone.

Assembly and HT Awards 15.3.24

Some great singing in assembly today as we had a run through of all the songs for church next week.  Great effort being put in by all the classes to learn these.

HT awards given for a range of achievements as always. Lots of children demonstrating the value of kindness this week and it was great to hear about what they have been doing to show kindness. Several awards were given for progress in numeracy and being able to demonstrate strategies. We also had awards for showing more focus and concentration in learning as well. We had role models in some classes celebrated today as well as awards for skills development in PE from Mrs Grey. Well done to all our award winners this week.

Prizes were also given out for book cover designs that were completed last week as part of our world book day activities. Each class were asked to create a book cover and possibly a blurb about a title from a list shared by myself. Well done to the winners from each class.

Katie our Rota Kids president also shared information at assembly today about an Easter Egg competition that the Rota Kids are organising.  More details below.

Easter Egg Comp poster pdf version

egg comp entry form pdf version


Assembly and Headteacher’s Awards 8.3.24

Busy assembly again today. We sang through one of our songs the church at the end of term.

Following on from World Book Day yesterday, pupils from Mrs Lumsden’s book club shared information about reading. They shared favourite books, where they like to read and the rights to read. This was the first time that they had presented at assembly and they did very well as it can be quite daunting talking in front of the whole school.📚📚

Awards were given out this week for effort with writing and improved presentation, creating stories at home and sharing with the class, being an IT whizz using publisher and using IT to support writing. Some pupils were also recognised for their commitment to learning and showing resilience when things can be challenging. Mrs Gray identified pupils for showing co-ordination and control when hitting a shuttle in badminton and for showing focus and control with a beanbag and bat. Well done to all our award winner this week.

Finally we celebrated the success of our gymnasts from last weeks schools competition. Well done again to all our teams.👏🏅


World Book Day 7th March 2024

Well, World Book Day has been and gone for another year but  what a fantastic day everyone has had here at Dalbeattie Primary and Nursery. Lots of the P1 and P1/2 children were so excited to share their books with me when they arrived in the playground this morning. It was a joy to see their enthusiasm for books.

Through out the day there has been lots of opportunities for sharing learning and collaborating across the school. We have had sharing of favourite book in all the classes, P6 reading to pupils in nursery, World Book Day Bingo, World Book Day Grammar, reading is some fun places around the classroom.  There were book tile charades happening in Mr Caldow’s room and making fancy book marks with Mrs Mclean. There were some very creative design that suited books and children interests. Classes have also designed book covers and written blurbs for a range of fun titles that I shared with them for the day. I am really looking forward to seeing the finished designs and will share in due course.

Some classes  also enjoyed a sneaky hot chocolate as they read their books.

Thank you to all the staff for the time put into creating these great activities for our learners.

Assembly and Head Teacher’s Award

A busy assembly today with lots going on.

We started learning a couple of our  hymns of our Easter Church service in a few weeks. The class teachers will ask be learning these with children in classes too. I will post these to share soon.

WOW Badges

Some classes have participated in designing new badges for the WOW  tracker that we use in school. As a school we have to pick 3 entires to send forward to the finals. Well done Bessie, Layton and Rex on having your designs picked to represent our school.

Queen of The South Shirt Design

Some classes participated in the design a new strip for Queen of the South over the last couple of weeks. We are delighted to announce that we have two finalists. Well done to Finlay and Emmi on achieving the finals. Everyone will be able to vote for winning designs next week when all finalists are announced. We will keep you posted on how to do this.

Head Teacher’s Awards were given out for a range of reasons today but I did ask for awards this week  to also recognise our values and saw many children celebrated  for being ‘committed’ today. Pupils have demonstrated being committed in P.E, to their learning in class and  being positive role models.  Well done everyone on all you achievements this week.

Assembly and Head Teacher’s Awards 9.2.24

It was great to have the children back in the hall today for assembly after a couple of missed weeks. In assembly today we spoke about work that many of the classes have undertaken this week about online safety. I was aware of the great work that had been going on in the classes and wanted to encourage the children to share their wider knowledge about staying safe online. It was very impressive how much the children knew and could share with each other about being safe online. They could tell me about safe passwords, blocking inappropriate content, not talking-to strangers online, not giving away personal details and appropriate dialogue in online chats. We did touch on age limits for games and online platforms such as Snap Chat and TikTok and parental checks on phones and devices. Well done to everyone who contributed to the discussion in assembly today.

Awards were back once again and it was great to see so many achievements form across the school. We have had lots of confident individuals reciting their Scots poems this week, being reliable and kind, putting in great concentration to work, showing good listening skills in the gym and being committed to leaning were all reasons for awards this week. Congratulations to everyone.

I will look forwards to next weeks assembly when we will hear from the class winners of the Scots poetry competition from P1-P6. Class judging takes place next Friday in school.

Assembly and Awards

Today in assembly P7 pupils Emily, Katie D ,Katie H and  Isabella presented the outcome of our Vison, Values and Aims review. They were confident at sharing their report to the whole school.

We are now waiting on our logo being finalised by the graphics team for us. We will share completed update in due course.

VVA report back assembly (1)

Head Teachers Awards were given today for lots of worthy reasons as always. Some of the reasons included, learning and applying new mathematical concepts, enthusiasm for reading and summarising the story, excellent initial ideas in art for a Tam O Shanter picture and showing enthusiasm for learning in all curricular areas. Well done to all our award winners this week.


Assembly and HT Awards

We started the first assembly of the term with some hymns. The P6 and P7 had great recall of these and encouraged the younger classes to sing along.

We celebrated the success of our group 7 Stars who participated in the Stewartry Active Schools dance festival. The group was awarded best overall performance. The picture taken today shows 6 of the 7 stars. We will update on Monday with our 7 Stars. The group will perform their dance to us at a future assembly. Pictures and videos will also appear on active schools Facebook page.

Awards were presented this week for underwriting a super sentence, being a super star and role model to others in the class, being an excellent listener, excellent attitude to learning and wonderful literacy skills, showing leadership in creating dance routines, being determined to succeed with learning and enjoying a new history topic.