Category Archives: Class Learning

P6F Favourite Author Challenge

This afternoon P6 shared the homework task they were set regarding their favourite author.  Some pupils chose to present their information in a poster while some chose a factfile.  We began by looking at all our work and reading all the fabulous facts before giving written feedback to each other.

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Many of us were very keen to present our work to class and we thoroughly enjoyed listening to each other.  Mrs Fitzsimmons was very impressed with all our hard work and how creative it was!DSCN1760 DSCN1763 DSCN1764

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Primary 7 Transition Visit

Primary 7 pupils visited Dalbeattie High School on Thursday 19th May as part of their ongoing transition work. Classes meet with Mr McMahon from pupil support and participate in discussions about high school. Pupils also had the opportunity ask any questions they might have about transition days in June or their move to S1 in August. Both classes enjoyed their visits and asked many important questions. Pupils also had a tour of the school visiting different classes and found their way to different areas of the building.

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Fun Day at the Beach


Primary 1D went to Rockcliffe as part of their Beach topic.

We jumped on the yellow school bus and took our lunch to have a picnic on the beach.

Chloe: “It was fun having a picnic”
We were going to give the beach a clean. We took litter pickers and gloves and we picked up all the rubbish we could find. We found a lot of bottle tops, bits of plastic, paper wrappers and a lobster skeleton.

Ryan: “It’s fun picking up litter”

We have to pick up our litter at the beach so that the animals don’t get hurt. Animals might get stuck in the litter or they might get sick by eating it.

We worked with James and Judy from the National Trust who taught us all about the animals at the beach and what litter can do to them.

We got to look in the rock pools for crabs and fish and we even found a PRAWN!



At the end, James and Judy taught us a new game called “Prawns and Fishes”. We liked it, it was fun.

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Written by P1D (with a little help from Miss Douglas).

P.A.R.T.Y with P7 week 2

This week with P.A.R.T.Y we were learning about the effects alcohol can have on our bodies and our organs. We had to draw around one of our group members then draw and colour in all the major organs. After that we had to think about the short term effects and the long term effects of alcohol abuse and then present our posters to the class.

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Our mocktail this week was green! It consisted of lemonade, orange juice, apple juice and curacao bleu.

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Stuart Reid Returns to P6F!!

On Tuesday afternoon P6 were delighted to welcome back author Stuart Reid!  Following our previous workshop we all wrote our own stories which were posted to Stuart.  He very kindly read them all giving each one of us comments.  Infact, he enjoyed them so much he chose three pupils to each receive one of his books which he signed!  The lucky recipients were Lainey Ireland, Ciara McQuarrie and Liam Whalen.


As well as receiving feedback on our stories Stuart took us for another writing workshop where we really looked at setting, description, emotions and the senses to improve our work.  We worked really hard and had lots of ideas and suggestions which we will incorporate in our future writing.  Thank you very much Stuart.

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