Category Archives: Class Learning

P6G Remembrance Day art

P6G looked at why we remember the fallen soldiers from WW1 and beyond, and the importance of the poppy. We then created some fantastic sunset silhouette paintings with poppies along the bottom.  Some children chose to do soldiers with horses and some did crosses.

Did you know that there are not just red poppies nowadays? White ones and worn to remember those who died but to promote peace and the end of war. Purple poppies are to remember all of the animals that died to help us, for example horses in WW1.





P2/3’s Visit from Blood Bikes

Last term P2/3 were learning about transport and as part of their topic the children asked if they could learn about the role of the Blood Bikes. Yesterday, Dave Hook from D&G Blood Bikes kindly visited our class to tell the children all about the important job they do, the different forms of transport used by them and how the service is run.

The children thoroughly enjoyed their insight into the vital role that the Blood Bike volunteers provide for our region and asked some great questions. Dave even let each child sit on ‘June’, the Blood Bike he brought with him, and everyone was given a wristband, badge and information leaflet to take home.


Primary 2-7 have been learning to use maps and improve their co-operation and fitness around the school, park and forest, orienteering in PE this term. Some successful learners in P4-7 won medals for being the fastest in the competition, and others for being star improvers, or effective contributors, who help others to have more success. Many were bursting with pride for their excellent effort and progress getting faster, fitter and having lots of fun too. It’s been great to make the most of the different environments around our school. Huge thanks to our amazingly generous volunteers who helped us out!

Mrs Gray





Fairtrade visitor to P5

Mrs Dyson was delighted that Mrs Van Zwanenberg (a member of Kirkcudbright Fairtrade group) once again, was able to visit our school and work with pupils discussing issues around Fairtrade. Primary 5 pupils shared their knowledge with our guest speaker and Mrs Dyson was very impressed with the quality of questions they asked. Pupils learned more about how communities use the Fairtrade Premium. They also explored packaging of Fairtrade goods to identify what percentage of the product is made from Fairtrade ingredients. We would like to say a massive thank you to Mrs Van Zwanenberg for her support and input with our Fairtrade work at Dalbeattie Primary School.




P5 Fairtrade Games Event

Primary 5 pupils organised and ran a very successful Fairtrade Games Event. They had been learning about Fairtrade in class and wanted to continue to raise awareness throughout the school. They worked in teams to design and create their own game based around Fairtrade. Games included a Fairtrade Obstacle Race, Fairtrade Throw, Pin the Fairtrade product on the Fairtrade Mark while blindfolded, running games and a  Fairtrade Quiz. The whole school were invited to play their games. For 50p, pupils were allocated a 15 minute slot to play all the games. Mrs Dyson and Primary 5 pupils would like to say a big thank you to all who supported our event. 160 people came to play our games. We even had family members join in the fun. Primary 5 pupils have decided to spend the £80 raised to buy Fairtrade footballs for use by all pupils within our school. The school has kindly agreed to match our amount raised so that double the number of balls can be bought. We look forward to introducing Fairtrade footballs into Dalbeattie Primary School.


(Please click on each photo to enlarge and see everyone)













Library Visit

Over the past few weeks Primary 7 have had a fantastic opportunity to visit the local library to learn about the services they provide to all young people.

Over the past two visits we have learned about how to find fiction and non-fiction books in the library and learned about the Dewey Decimal System. We were even challenged to use this system to find different categories of books in the non-fiction section.

We really enjoyed our visits and can’t thank Lesley enough for her time. We really enjoyed learning these new skills and hope we can apply them in our new library in our new school.



Primary 4/5 Science Experiments

Primary 4/5 have been carrying out a few science experiments in class this term. We did an investigation to find out if salt, sugar, sand, chalk, herbs, flour, washing power, coffee granules and gravy would dissolve in warm water. The children made their predictions and then decided if the materials were soluble or insoluble and recorded them in the correct category in their table. They also then predicted how many spoonfuls of sugar/salt they could add to the water before it became saturated.

Some of the children brought equipment into school to demonstrate their own experiments. Archie made his own slime. Lexie demonstrated the skittles experiment. Liam showed us the reaction created when mints are added to a bottle of coke.

Well done P4/5!


Primary 2 / 3 Traffic Survey

On Wednesday 20th September, Mrs Wixon; with a little help from Mrs Aitchison and Mrs Lumsden, took the class to different areas of Dalbeattie to conduct a traffic survey.

Our topic this term is Transport, so we decided to split up into groups and go to John Street, the High Street and directly in front of the School building on Southwick Road.

We have been learning about tally marks and used these to mark the traffic which went past.  We had a great morning and were able to discuss our findings with each other when we got back to class.  We discovered that John Street was the busiest of the roads!

In ICT we have also been able to transfer the information we collected and produced a bar graph of our findings.  Lots of cross-curricular learning!!