January 26th 2018
Primary 6/7 delighted us all with a catwalk show of their wonderfully unique designs made from recycled plastic bin bags. The show was the result of a very interesting class topic about clothes. It was amazing to see the range of designs created by our pupils. Mrs Burn talked us through the design processes behind each unique item or collection. Here are just a few of the pictures.
P2/3 have recently been focusing on what makes us all unique; specifically – HWB outcome 1-47a ‘recognising similarities and differences, but that we are all unique.’
Mrs Wixon gave the children a few weeks notice to decide which skill/ability they would like to share with the class, and they did not disappoint! Here are a few photos of just some of the skills which were shared on the day. It proved invaluable in terms of discussion and realising that everyone is good at something!
The children in P2/3 thoroughly enjoyed their Fairyland topic this term and were so excited by all the visits from the Friendly Dragon. They asked if they could dress up as characters from fairytales to celebrate the end of the topic and brought in fairytales from home to share in class – thank you for the effort put in at home to make this happen. Here are some pictures of work from our topic and our dress up day on Tuesday.
A wonderful evening was held by all when our Primary 7 were our first young people to have their party in our new school hall in Dalbeattie Learning Campus with a delicious buffet being served in the Heughan Hall. Thanks to all staff involved for helping to make it a great night. Here are a few pictures which help to capture the event….
Last week P1 invited parents and friends to a small Christmas Craft Sale to buy various items they had been busy making the week before. Everything was sold out! We would like to say a big thank you to everyone who came and supported us as we have made £144.60! This will be going towards a school trip next year.