Category Archives: Class Learning

Primary 3/ 4 and the Vikings!

The Morning boys and girls at nursery had a real treat today as they were invited along to watch a Viking play performed by                        Primary 3 /4. It was an excellent show. All the children had lines to say and they all delivered them confidently. Together with some wonderful singing and a fantastic display of Longships, which the children had made as part of a homework task linked to their topic work,  Primary 3 / 4 really did put on quite a show! Mrs Dunlop and Miss Kirkpatrick are really proud of the class for their enthusiasm, confidence and creativity. “Fabulous acting and tuneful singing- next stop Broadway!” commented Mrs Dunlop.




P1F Christmas Enterprise!

P1 have been busy little elves making lots of Christmas craft items to sell to our relatives!  We made cards, calendars, a placemat for our Christmas dinner, reindeer food and a Christmas wreath!  We started the sale by singing a song from our Nativity ‘A King is Born’  and then parents were invited to read our Elf Application forms!  We would like to say THANK YOU to all our parents and relatives for coming along to help us raise £108.65 which will go towards a school trip later in the year.

P1/2 Christmas crafts

P1/2 have been very busy making lots of different Christmas crafts for our fundraising enterprise. We had great fun making cards, a calendar, two decorations and reindeer food.  We even created posters to send home to advertise our sale.  The children enjoyed participating  in all the different activities as well as being able to sell their items to their relatives.  Families were also given a little preview of some of our nativity songs from ‘A King is Born.’   Thank you for helping us raise £69.00.


Rocks and Wheels

On Monday 10th December, Primary 3 went to visit the old school as part of ‘our community’ topic.  We met Michelle from Dalbeattie Community Initiative, who took us into the old infant building and told us about the proposal for ‘Rocks and Wheels’.  We were all intrigued to find out about the plans and what it would mean for us, the people of Dalbeattie and the wider community.

We were excited to hear of plans for climbing walls, a hostel and a cafe, as well as many other things!  It would mean lots of people coming into our town and would bring lots of opportunities for jobs and more visitors.

The plans looked great. We were then taken on a little treasure hunt/orienteering route to find letters.  These letters then spelled out two words, ‘Better Lives’, and this is what Michelle said she wanted for our community.

Thank you to Michelle and also to Mrs Duncan, Mrs Blackwood and Christopher, who helped on the day.

Mrs Wixon

Awards, RNLI Fundraiser and Wow Tracker

At this week’s assembly, the children had a visit from Sue Ingram who gave an update about the Wow Tracker. She has brought badges for all the young people who have had the most ‘walk to school’ active journeys. Mrs Farish and Mrs Strachan, from Kippford RNLI Lifeboat Shop,  also joined us to receive a cheque for £300 which has been raised from our fundraiser to collect 5p coins in little jam jars. This week’s Head Teacher’s award winners  are also pictured.