Category Archives: Class Learning

Lego WeDo

On Wednesday the 22nd and Tuesday 28th May, we had the pleasure of Mrs Moyes coming to visit our classroom to demonstrate how to use Lego WeDo and also show us how to become the experts.  We learned all about the different jobs within a team and how to look after the resources.  We were able to follow step-by-step instructions to complete projects.  We worked together to make a snail which flashed different colours and even made sounds!  Some of us got to make a working windmill.  She explained to us how we could challenge ourselves in the future.  It was a great learning opportunity and something we can build upon.  Thank you Mrs Moyes!


Primary 3 Soup Making

On Monday 20th and Monday 27th of May, we ventured through to the High School Home Economics department, where we met Mrs Houston.  As part of our Food and Farming topic, we thought it would be a great idea to make some soup!

We discussed the importance of hand washing before preparing vegetables to make our soup.  Whilst one group was doing this, the others were learning about The Eatwell Guide, and then we swapped over.

At the end of each session, we were able to take our soup home to sample.  Thanks to Mrs Houston for her help!

P1 Searching for flowers….

P1F have been learning about plants and flowers so we decided to go outside to look at how our planters are coming along and see if we could find any flowers we knew….we also enjoyed being out in the sunshine!


We enjoyed drawing some of our flowers.

As we had been talking about springs flowers and animals Roan kindly brought in a birds nest that was in his garden hedge from last year.  It was a great example.  Thank you for bringing it in to show us.

P1/2 homework challenge

Last term P1/2 were learning all about materials.  The children were given a homework challenge to create an item using recyclable materials.  The children loved being able to show their items to the class as well as showcasing them to P1 and P2.  Thank you P1 and P2 for coming to see what we have made.   The children would also like to say a huge THANK YOU to the parents/families at home who helped the children create their pieces.