All posts by Mrs Howie

Christmas 2016 Hall Decorations

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Well that was our last Christmas in this school…. We thought you might like to see our hall decorations (photographed kindly by Mrs Blackwood.) They were fantastic this year and we are very grateful to the staff and pupils who put so much effort into making our hall look so special for its last Christmas as a Primary School. We haven’t decided yet about what we will do with all the beautiful nativity pictures so watch this space….

A Timeless Nativity

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Our Nativity this year, for 2016, was ‘A Timeless Nativity’ and was written specially for our last Christmas in this school before we move to our new school in 2017.  The story starts with a present day child ‘Johnny’ who is bored with all the singing practice because he just wants it to be Christmas and get all his presents. The teacher has words with him and says he needs to see the Doctor as he is not in the true spirit of Christmas. Cue the Doctor who arrives in his Tardis. He then takes Johnny back to 1876, the year Dalbeattie Primary School first opened so that he can learn something from the boys and girls back then. He then takes Johnny even further back in time to Bethlehem, over 2000 years ago. By the time the play ends,  Johnny now appreciates the true meaning of Christmas and he apologises to his classmates for his lack of enthusiasm earlier on!

More photos will follow soon….

Children In Need and Malawi Fundraising

On Friday 18th November, we had a non uniform day to raise money for Children In Need and for the Janice Jamieson Memorial Fund to sponsor our young person in Malawi. Throughout the week, the School Pupil Council also ran a competition to turn Pudsey all spotty in ‘Spottiland’ for a ‘spotacular’ fundraiser with Children In Need prizes for five lucky winners. Altogether an amazing £410 was raised and the money will be split between the two charities. Thank you to everyone who supported this.

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Dalbeattie Museum Donates £250 to Dalbeattie Primary School


We are delighted to receive a donation of £250 from Dalbeattie Museum on the occasion of Tommy Henderson’s 80th Birthday which also marked the end of this year’s  season as the Museum closed its doors for the winter.  Dalbeattie Museum has gifted the Primary School with this money as many of the Museum’s members worked on the ‘History of Dalbeattie Primary School’ book which was published earlier this year and they wanted to thank the school for the opportunity for school and Museum to work together on this successful project. Thank you!

Songwriting with Feis Ross Musicians

Dalbeattie Primary School has been thrilled to welcome Feis Ross Musicians Nicola and Andrew Black into school to work with our young people in Primary 4, Primary 4/5 and Primary 5. This year, the children have been experiencing the art of songwriting. Primary 4/5 wrote a song about dinosaurs, Primary 5 used the Dalbeattie Town Wood’s Totem Pole as their inspiration and Primary 4 composed a song about Tatty Bogel. However, another highlight is a song which all three classes have worked on, while thinking about their current school and looking forward to the new one. It’s called ‘We Live In Dalbeattie.’ Today, the classes, accompanied by Nicola and Andrew Black, gave a wonderful performance of all these songs to a packed school hall. The ‘We Live in Dalbeattie’ song was, particularly memorable. Well done to all and thank you! The words for the school song are given below:


We live in Dalbeattie, where the river flows,

We live in Dalbeattie, where the wind blows,

Moving to a new school, it’ll be so cool,

So many memories, in this primary,

Grannies and Papas and great nana’s cousins,

For a hundred and forty years, they all came here.


Friends forever, always together,

Even when it rains, we’ll still play together,

Even if we fall out, we’ll be friends whenever,

We meet each other again


We live in Dalbeattie, in the granite city,

We lo-ove Dalbeattie, very bold and pretty,

Nearer to nature, we can learn outside

To get to the playground, we’ll  go on the slide



We bide in Da’beattie, whaur  the burnie rows,

We bide in Da’beattie,  whaur the birkie grows,

Hard rock challenge and a granite quarry,

Gaun tae the forest wi ma family


CHORUS (repeat last line to finish)

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Folktober’s ‘Haggerdash’ Visit Dalbeattie Primary

Dalbeattie Primary had a treat at their usual Friday afternoon awards ceremony when folk group ‘Haggerdash’ visited to entertain the pupils and staff. They performed a collection of traditional Scots songs and tunes where they had the children joining in with singing and actions too! ‘Haggerdash’ are currently in Dalbeattie as part of the ‘Dalbeattie Folktober’ Festival. They will be playing at a family concert in the hall on Burn Street, Dalbeattie  at 3pm on Saturday 8th October. Children under 12 will get in free. Other folk performers will be ‘The Camden Quine’ (Carol Anderson) and ‘Finbar Magee and Breige Quinn.’

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Westsound School of The Week

Westsound’s Tommy Jardine visited school this week to record interviews with a  group of our children. The children talked about their friends at school, their favourite subjects and what they want to be when they are older. There were, of course, some good jokes too! The children will be broadcast in the morning and afternoon of the week beginning 10th October (the week before the school holidays.)


P7 Leavers’ Evening

Here are just a few pictures from a terrific play ‘Goodbye Good Friend,’ which was one part of a super evening.  Well done P7,  Miss Clendinning and Mrs Burn. Also thanks to Dalbeattie High School’s Mrs Houston and Miss Telfer for help with a super buffet. More photos and full story to follow soon.

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Preparing the Buffet at Dalbeattie High School

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Queen’s 90th Birthday Quiz

Thank you to everyone who took part. We are still gathering in money from sales of quiz sheets but have made over £180 so far. Money will be shared between Action for Children and Barnardos.  The quiz entries have been marked and correct entries have been drawn for the prizes. We are in the process of distributing the prizes. Thank you to all the shops and businesses who donated such generous prizes and for participating in this community event.

Donation from: Winners Prizes
Lions Club Anne Kalotka

Amie McKerrow

Elaine Henderson

Harry Foster

Sheena Scott

£20 book shop voucher x 5
Rotary Club Rhys Bell £50 cash prize
Flowers For You Nathan Harper plant
McKenzies Jasmine Wixon Bakeware
Complete Insurance Solutions Erin Styles £10 voucher for any shop in Dalbeattie
Supersave Mya Sargent Craft items and mugs
Idlehour Jack Brown Yankee Candle
GGB Jenny Blackwood Bottle of champagne
Bible Shop Molly Houston Children’s Bible
McCowans Finlay Burns voucher
Neilsons Pauline Warner Mixed grill for two voucher
D.G Lockharts Jennifer Stewart £25 book token
Granite Kitchen Lucy Bell

Jill Blackwood

2x £5 vouchers
Ian Bendall Undertakers Archie and Evie Coltart Cash prize £50
Best Pizza Kebab Shop Wendy Grierson 12” pizza
Stewartry Vets Jessica Bowden £25 cash prize
TH Carsons David Bowie £10 voucher
Dalbeattie Museum Karen Stitt £25 cash prize
Dalbeattie Book Shop Adam Ailsa and Aurla Ferguson 2017 Calendar and jigsaw
Well Pharmacy Drew Armstrong Candle set
Luigis Restaurant Andrew Kalotka Jnr £20 voucher
Bryan Gowans Nicki Armstrong Towel set
Hair and Beauty Gallery Katie Harper £10 voucher
De Caf Cafe Moira Bowie £10 voucher
Lily’s Chocolates Tallontire Family Box of chocolates
Trends Abbey Sargent £20 voucher
Jamiesons Shaun Styles

Blair Kalotka

2x£5 vouchers

90 quiz participants