All posts by Mrs Howie

Children In Need

Today, we ended our successful fundraising week for Children in Need with a Joe Wicks workout, wearing our bright and sporty clothing. The raffle prizes were also drawn. A very big thank you to all who have supported this worthy cause so well. At time of writing we have raised around £650 and a portion of this will go to the Janice Jamieson Memorial Trust Fund to sponsor a student in Malawi. Thank you to the High School for letting us use the Heughan Hall. Thank you all for supporting the spotty raffle with such enthusiasm and thank you to our school pupil councillors for helping to organise the spots!  We are also very grateful to Molly Houston (and mother too) and to Andrew for making and selling cakes to staff. This raised £28.35 which has been added to funds too. Please see facebook for more pictures.


History Club

At our Ancient History After School Club on Tuesday 5th November, we welcomed along Andrew Nicholson, Archaeologist from Dumfries and Galloway Council. He explained, to the group, about the type of work he did and his role in advising when new planning applications come in, in case they affect any site history. He then showed the members of the club how to access three main websites which he uses every day in his work. We learned about how to search old maps, scheduled monuments and recorded historical artefacts and finds from particular places. It was really interesting.  This meeting was the first after our visit to Tongland Abbey. Next week’s meeting will be with Erica Johnson who will talk to us about the Moyle Hill Fort.

Eco Schools Project Edina Bulbs

The Eco Committee and their buddies (4 from each class) have been planting the daffodil and crocus bulbs which we have received as part of the Edina Science Project. We discussed a fair test and how every plant pot had to be planted in the same way.  We planted 59 pots – each with one daffodil and one crocus bulb, clearly labelled.  A further 20 bulbs are being planted directly into the ground. Starting from next week, we need to start recording the weather and inputting this into a database. By the end of the project, all the information from all schools taking part, across the UK,  will be pulled together and conclusions drawn about how levels of sunshine or rainfall have had an impact on the growth and flowering of the bulbs.


Breakfast Club

Today, the breakfast club started, thanks to the super organisation of Mrs Dunlop. The club runs on Tuesdays and Wednesdays before school. The young people loved the range of food on offer (toast, cereal, fruit, yoghurts) and drinks (fruit juice.) The cost is 50p a day and takes place in the spare classroom- entry through the playground gate.  Earliest arrival is 8.15 and latest is 8.30am. There were also games on offer so that the children could enjoy some social interaction too. Great fun! Mrs Dunlop is very grateful to all the helpers too.

Head Teacher’s Awards

Today, on the last day of term we were pleased to present Head Teacher’s Awards to more successful role models and successful learners. Well done all! Two children, Sofia and Leah were also recognised for their effort in fundraising for our sponsored walk. The school has now raised over £2400 which is a super amount and a significant amount of this was raised by these two girls.  However, our thanks go to all our young people  who worked so hard to help raise this excellent amount, which will help with future school trips and other resources. Many children were also recognised for their participation in a  recent Sumdog competition.

Harvest Assembly and House Captains

Today we held our harvest Assembly, albeit made shorter by an unplanned fire evacuation! We were delighted to welcome Reverend Fiona Wilson to our service. The children had brought in lots of donations for the foodbank, for which the local church will be taking away items for us. Mrs Duncan showed us some pictures from our very own harvest in school: ‘soup at snack time’ photos showed our soup made by the eco group ad Mrs Howie with Mrs Houston in the Hospitality Department, made from our own home grown vegetables. Out eco committee and school council also received their badges. Three primary 7 children were awarded with their Head Teacher’s Award certificates (they will not be here on Friday due to Operation Safety) and our Houses Captains were also announced.

Eco Group’s ‘Soup at Snack Time’

Today we had our ‘Soup at Snack time’ with lentil soup made from our very own home grown vegetables. Back in the spring, we planted potatoes, onions, carrots, beetroot and swede. We harvested the potatoes, onions and carrots for the soup, which the Eco Committee made today with Mrs Houston in the High School’s Hospitality Department. There were so many carrots that Mrs Houston even made some carrot cake buns. We are very grateful to Mrs Houston for all her help and for the generous donations which came in with children. We have raised approximately £50 which will cover our other ingredients such as stock cubes and lentils and the rest will go towards our planting costs next spring!

Ancient History Club

On Saturday 28th September, the history club visited Tongland Abbey Excavation site. We learned lots of interesting things about the founding of the abbey by Alan, Lord of Galloway and his links to the Magna Carta signing in 1215. We now understand much more about how archaeological investigations take place. We are very grateful to Dr David Devereux and Mr Donald Henry for giving us tours of both the excavation site and the two later built parish churches. More detail about what we learned will be included in our published findings at the end of the year!