All posts by Mrs Howie

Bitmoji Staff Scavenger Hunt

Dalbeattie saw lots of new activity for the last week of term. Many of our young people and their families, as well as staff, were out enjoying exercising on their bikes, scooters and feet, around the, ‘Staff Bitmoji Town Trail.”

Armed with an orienteering map, marked with 29 Bitmoji locations, spread all around the town, the challenge was not only to find them, but to guess who the member of staff was. This really got folks thinking, and as many said, “It was tricky to work out who was who.” All who took part reported it was great fun, as it gave, “the whole family a good reason for getting out and about.” Someone even said, “I hope this might be something the school does again, as it’s been really good.”

The highest score for correct identifications, with 28/29, were the Donnelly and the Whalen families, who did some of the trail zooming around the town on their bikes and having fun together.Lots of others were close behind them.Well done all who took part.

And thank you Mrs Gray and all the staff team for organising such a fun and successful activity. We also want to thank Tim & Helen O’ Donoghue from Solway Orienteers, for their invaluable work providing us with a high quality map.”  

Families are also reminded that if they want another trail to do over the holidays, the link on the school blog, to the ‘Woodland Walk Photo Challenge’ is still available,  on a separate post with photos of participants so far, but  don’t scroll down too far in the post as the answers have now been posted! A further town trail has also been added. The  P1/2  Summer Walk Quiz is now available to all further below.

Two other town trails are still available for over the holidays:

Woodland Walk Photo Quiz

P12 Summer photo walk

A Message From Your New Teachers

We hope you have all now heard about your new class teachers for next year as these were sent out last week in emails to your parents/ carers.  Your new teachers are delighted to have received letters from you as part of our transition process this year. The summer holidays are now nearly here and we are all looking forward to welcoming you back in August, whether that is all together or in a blended model. This will be confirmed early in August when a final decision is made by the Scottish Government regarding conditions being met for school re-opening for all of us together, every day.  In the meantime, we hope you have a lovely summer holiday but just before you go, your new class  teacher(s) would like to share  a little message with you. Please scroll below for your class to see a photograph and read a short message from your new teachers.

Primary 1: Mrs Fitzsimmons

Hello P1!  Mrs Fitzsimmons here!  I am really looking forward to meeting you in August and teaching you all.  I hope you have seen some of the videos on the Blog and had a look at your new classroom and our huge open area we like to play in!  I have really enjoyed reading your ‘All bout me’ information and watching your ‘Moving on from Nursery’ video and I can see lots of faces I recognise.  In P1 we work hard but we also like to have a lot of fun! We like to sing and dance, make things, listen to stories and play with all our friends in our class and P1/2 in the open area.  It will feel a bit different coming back after the long break but all the staff will be here to help you settle back in.  See you in August!

Primary 1/2: Miss Holman and Mrs Howie


Miss Holman                                      Mrs Howie

We are Miss Holman and Mrs Howie. We will be your class teachers. We know that the Primary 1 boys and girls have not been able to visit their classroom and meet us. However, we hope that you have been able to see the videos and look at the booklet on the school blog. These contain information that we hope will make you feel welcome and help you to know a little more about the school and your classroom. We also have some Primary 2 children in our class, and we know that they will welcome you and help you to settle in. We have all been out of school for a long time and we will take out time to make sure you are all happy and settled. We cannot wait to meet you and get to know you all.

Primary 2/3: Mrs  R McLean 

Mrs Mclean

Hello Primary 2/3. I am Mrs Mclean and this is a photograph of me sitting on my horse Millie. In my spare time I enjoy riding and looking after her. I am really looking forward to meeting you after the summer holidays and finding out more about you and what you like to do. I have read your letters to me and I think I am going to be a very lucky teacher having you all in my class. See you soon!👩🐴’

Primary 3: Mrs Stephenson and Miss Kirkpatrick


            Mrs Stephenson                                   Miss Kirkpatrick

Hi everyone,
I’m really excited to be moving back to P3 and working with Miss Kirkpatrick next year and can’t wait to see you all in August. It’s great that I am able to take some of my P2s with me and I know that we will all help each other to settle in, make new friends and have lots of fun together. I’m really looking forward to meeting those of you coming from Mrs McLean’s class too and finding out all about you. I hope you have a super summer and I’ll see you soon!
Mrs Stephenson
Hello boys and girls,
My name is Miss Kirkpatrick and I will be one your new teachers in primary 3.  I will be with you on a Monday, Tuesday and part of Wednesday.  I am really looking forward to meeting you all in August and getting to know all about you.  Thank you for the letters that some of you sent us.  I already know quite a few of you because I have taught some of your older brothers and sisters.  I am really looking forward to sharing our class with Mrs Stephenson too.  I think we will all be a great team and have a happy year in P3.  We have both been in school getting your new classroom all nice and tidy and set up for you arriving in August.
I live at home with my partner and my two children, Freddie and Indie. Freddie is 6 this week and Indie is almost 5.  I love to spend my spare time going for long walks to keep fit.  My children sometimes cycle beside me while I jog! I also love shopping! That is definitely my favourite pastime!
I am really looking forward to seeing you all looking smart and ready to go in August. I hope you have a lovely summer and have lots of fun.
See you soon,
Miss Kirkpatrick

Primary 4: Mrs Anderson

Dear Boys & Girls, Parents and Carers,                                                                    Thank you for your lovely letters. I am really looking forward to meeting you all after the holidays and getting to know you.                      I hope you have been enjoying the outdoors, like me. I have walked up the Moyle Hill several times, been doing lots of cycling around the roads and mountain biking in the forest, to keep fit.                                        I am hoping the weather will be good when we return to school so we can get outside for some of our lessons.                                                          I hope you all have a fantastic holiday and I will see you in August.        Kind regards                                                                                                                        M Anderson

Primary 4/5: Miss Morrison and Mrs J McLean


Miss Morrison                                            Mrs J McLean

Hello Boys and Girls,
Thank you so much for all your wonderful letters! I really enjoyed reading them,  learning a little bit about you all and seeing your lovely photos! I’m really looking forward to teaching you next year alongside Miss Morrison. I will be in your class all day on a Tuesday and on a Wednesday morning until break time. I hope you all have a fantastic summer holiday! I look forward to meeting you all in August! Mrs McLean
Hello Primary 4/5,
My name is Miss Morrison and I will be your new teacher this year. I can’t wait to meet you all and get to know you! I know it has been a long time since you were all in a classroom learning but I’ll be there to help you settle back into school and hope that you are as excited as I am. Don’t worry if you are feeling nervous as we will all be able to support each other and get used to the school routine again (and try to have some fun). I’m new to the school so I will need your help to settle in too. I’m really looking forward to seeing you all in August!

Primary 5: Mrs Dyson

A big hello from Mrs Dyson! Thank you to everyone who sent me a wee letter to introduce themselves. I met you all during our show rehearsals, but it really was a treat to read your letters and learn more about your interests at home and at school. I love teaching Primary Five and I know that we are going to have a fantastic year together! I have lots of favourite subjects at school. I especially enjoy teaching programming skills. In Primary Five, we’ll code animations, games and robots using Scratch, Lego WeDo and Micro:bits. Can you work together to solve the challenges? I enjoy teaching Spanish and look forward to welcoming you with a smiling “¡Hola!” each morning. Have a great holiday everyone. Stay safe, have fun and take time to relax! See you all soon!

Primary 6: Mrs Lumsden and Mr Caldow


Mrs Lumsden                                            Mr Caldow

Hello everyone! I hope you’re all doing okay. I cannot wait to meet you all properly and be your teacher next year. I know the holidays are going to be a little bit different but I hope you enjoy them and I shall see you in August ready for the adventure that is primary 6!
Take care and see you soon
Mrs Lumsden x
I am sure you all know me well by now as  I have taught you already. However, I am looking forward to teaching you again,  in August,  in our Primary 6 classroom!
Mr Caldow
Primary 6/7: Mrs Campbell

Hello, I am Mrs Campbell and I am very much looking forward to meeting you all in P6/7 after the summer holidays. 
I live in Castle Douglas and have three sons and a daughter. I love animals and I worked as a vet a few years ago before I became a teacher, I have a dog called Rosie and a cat called Freddie.
I enjoy keeping fit, with long walks, cycling and also playing cricket. I also love listening to all different kinds of music, and singing too!
I can’t put down a good book, and love to potter in my garden and doing fun things with my family and friends.
Have a great Summer holiday, I am looking forward to seeing everyone in August.
Primary 7: Miss Clendinning

Miss Clendinning

Hi new Primary 7,

As most of you already know, I’m Miss Clendinning and I will be teaching you in Primary 7. Click::   HERE

Please note: you may need to sign in to your glow account to view this.

I hope you have all stayed safe and well during lockdown and are looking forward to coming back to school. Primary 7 is such an exciting year with lots of new responsibilities and experiences and I can’t wait to get started with you all in August. See you all soon!
Mrs Wixon:  Teacher
Hello everyone,
I hope you are all well and have remained safe. Just wanted to let you all know that I am very much looking forward to seeing you after the Summer, hopefully refreshed and raring to go.
Many of you will have seen me or been taught by me over the past 12 years of being at Dalbeattie, and this year will be no exception, whether in groups, or in my capacity as a supply teacher as well.
I have enjoyed some quality time with my two girls, Jasmine and Elise, during lockdown and look forward to resting in the holidays and taking our new puppy Fern for lots of walks.
See you all soon and have a great Summer whatever you do.

Mrs Harris:  Art Teacher

I am so looking forward to seeing everyone in August & have loved seeing some of the art work you have been doing during the last few months.   I hope that you all have a fantastic holiday and have lots of adventures in and around the beautiful area that we live in. Take care Mrs Harris


Mrs Gray:  PE Teacher

Hello girls and boys,
I have had such an amazing time seeing the photos and videos lots of you sent me of at home PE.
You have given me so many fantastic and fun new ideas.
Thank you.
I am really excited to see you all again after the summer, for lots of active and fun learning together.
I will enjoy being out on my bike in the summer holidays. And at the beach walking, climbing and playing with my family.
I hope you all have lots of happy outdoor fun with your families too.


Woodland Walk Photo Quiz

It has been lovely to see some of you taking part in this activity. If you haven’t already planned to do so, please consider fitting this outdoor learning activity into the remaining weeks of school term.  If you scroll further down this blog page, you will find the link to open the trail and quiz.  I shall not be revealing the answers until Wednesday 1st July but here are some pictures meantime, of some folks enjoying the fresh air in Dalbeattie Town Wood.

Woodland Walk Photo Quiz

Thank you to everyone who has sent in their pictures and answers. Please don’t look at the answers further below if you still want to do the challenge… Remember you could do it any time in the summer holidays.

So here are the answers and yes, those rods were tricky!

  1. Walking and cycling
  2. Gulls, Herons, Ducks, Grebes
  3. 36
  4. 12
  5. 3
  6. A Way To Look For Light
  7. Shaky Jakey
  8. 2
  9. 3
  10. Scots Pine
  11. 22nd October 1992
  12. 20cm


Outdoor Challenges

Two Outdoor Challenges

Over the remaining weeks of school, why not have a go at one of these two challenges. Please send any photos of your activities by Tuesday 30th June. Thank you

  1. Woodland Walk Photo Quiz

Click the link below for an activity to do with your family. Please email Mrs Howie the answers and, if possible, a photo of you taking part in the activity, which can then be posted on the school blog.

Woodland Walk Photo Quiz

2: One Planet Picnic

As an end of term treat, why not plan a socially distanced ‘One Planet Picnic’:

What is a One Planet Picnic? What is different about a One Planet Picnic?

  • It’s a picnic that is good for you and good for the planet. That means: Choose as many ingredients as you can that are local and seasonal, organically grown or ethically traded.
  • Reduce food waste and packaging waste.

Why hold a One Planet Picnic? There are many reasons. Here are some we can think of:

  • It’s a fun way to get to know some of the great foods and places local to you. Your money goes into the local economy, helping local people and businesses.
  • You will begin to recognise and enjoy foods that are better for the environment. You will reduce packaging and food waste. You can build relationships with friends, family, colleagues and neighbours.

If you would like more background information from Eco Schools, you can click on the link below for more information. However, remember to carry out your picnic according to the most recent guidance from the Scottish Government in relation to which Phase of the Route map we are in at the time of your picnic.

Please do send a photograph of your picnic!

Home Learning, Logins and Medication Information

We are conscious that some parents are concerned they do not have their children’s glow logins. Please be assured that we will get these to you. We have had a number of children who were not in school, yesterday or today, to receive letters and homework/ information packs being sent home. The logins or packs for children who have not been in school will be distributed next week, most likely by hand delivery through your home letter box or, in some cases, they will be posted out. We have tried to make sure that all medication (such as inhalers which are usually kept in school) was sent home with pupils today. However, we have some belonging to children who were absent from school. If you would like your child’s medication, which has not yet come home, please contact the school on Monday to arrange for its collection.

Start of Fairtrade Fortnight 2020

Today, in school, we marked the start of Fairtrade Fortnight with our ‘Fairtrade Morning Snack.’ This was helped greatly by donations from local businesses Co-op, Tesco and Kinnairds. The main snack on offer was a choice of Fairtrade bananas or our own crafted shortbread biscuits topped with chocolate and jelly beans.  At the time of writing, we are not sure what amount of money we have raised from this but any proceeds will go to the Fairtrade Foundation. Later in the day,  Primary 5 together with the school’s Eco Committee listened to a very informative presentation by Mary Van Zwanenberg which included a very interesting film ‘Guardians of the Rainforest.’  Many of our classes also took part in class learning. Primary 1/2 had lots of Fairtarde themed activities in the open area. The end of Fairtrade Fortnight will be marked at assembly on 6th March with a small play by the Eco Committee.



Scots Poetry Assembly 14.2.20

Today in assembly, we celebrated our Scots Poetry Competition work with certificates being presented to first, second and third place finalists. The first place winners then entertained the whole school with a recitation of their chosen poems. Today, also saw the visit of our guests from Dalbeattie Burns Club who judged not only the Primary 7 pupils who recited an excerpt from Robert Burns’ Tam O’ Shanter but also the art work, which depicted a scene from the same poem.

The results were: Primary 1: First – Corey Canochan;  Second- Henry Hicks;  Third- Sophie Geddes ;  Primary 1/2: First- Mollie Watson;   Second- Finlay Bell;  Third Equal:  Lexie Anderson and Evie McGougan;   Primary 2/3: First Equal- Jack Little and Amalie Wykes;  Second- Aidan Galbraith; Third Equal- Elise Wixon and Reuben Benson;   Primary 3: First- Lucy Johnstone;  Second- Katie Dickie; Third Equal- Rebecca Hird and Oliver Bonnar;   Primary 3/4: First- Anaya Nerestan;   Second- Isla Smith;  Third Equal-  Rory McCormick and Lucy Bell;  Primary 4/5: First- Ava Drummond;  Second Equal- Fern Lundy and Sam Donnelly; Third Equal- Ailsa Ferguson and Owen O’Dornan;    Primary 5: First- Chloe Campbell;    Second- Struan Caldow;  Third Equal- Hayden Berry and Elsie Gibbs-Brown;  Primary 6: First- Fabio Murray-Sanchez;     Second Jack Johnstone;   Third- Owen Bryson;    Primary 6/7 (photo to follow) : First- Eve McCall;  Second Equal- Liam Bourhill and Laith Atkinson Deacon;   Primary 7 Poetry Recitation of Tam O’ Shanter: First- Maddison McMurtrie;     Second- Thomas Jardine;  Third- Jessica Davidson; Primary 7 Poetry Art Work of Tam O’ Shanter: First- Rhys Gaffney;  Second- Carrie Davidson; Third- Amber Latimer.

Also in our assembly, Primary 4/5 drew the raffle for the completed Titanic Quizzes. The winner, receiving £10 was Lucy Simpson.  Our Primary 5 class was awarded with the Wow tracker Active travel to School Award. Finally, Roman Bond and Chloe Campbell reminded us all that the first day back after the February holiday (Monday 24th) will be Fairtrade Snack day with biscuits (shortbread with chocolate and jelly bean) costing 60p and bananas 40p. Pupils can buy two items each. All products used carry the Fairtrade logo. Proceeds from the snack will go to the Fairtrade foundation, in keeping with our targets to retain our ‘Fair Achiever School’ status.



Head Teacher’s Awards 7.2.20

Lots of deserving pupils were again awarded their certificates and prizes for their hard work, effort and positive attitude to their learning. Our photos show several successful learners, confident individuals, effective contributors and responsible citizens.

Also pictured are all our young people who took part in the recent schools gymnastics competition.

Head Teacher’s Awards Assembly 31.1.20

Today in awards, we had many successful learners, confident individuals, effective contributors and responsible citizens who were awarded with their certificates. We also had a visit from Mr and Mrs Wilbur from Dalbeattie Chamber of Trade  who came to receive a cheque for £57 from the Rotakids Club for the Christmas lights appeal. The Rotakids Club, had, under the guidance of Mr and Mrs Cathro, raised the money with ‘Guess the Sweets in the Jar’ before the Christmas holidays. Rotakids is a junior Rotary Club which aims to undertake good work for the community, school and the wider global  environment. Certificates were also awarded for good performance in Accelerated Reader quizzes. Also at the assembly, were senior High School pupils who informed us about the new recycling bins in the dinner hall so that waste can be better segregated.



Head Teacher’s Awards 17.1.20

Today, several pupils were awarded with much deserved certificates for being successful learners and effective contributors, with many good role models showing good focus, concentration and excellent attitude to their learning and the school community. Also presented were two special certificates, chosen by Mrs Gray for skills in PE. The whole of Primary 7 were awarded for their resilience and determination during cross country in poor weather conditions. Excellent!