All posts by Mrs Howie

First Sports Day in New Learning Campus


Today, we held our first sports day at our new school with many of the races taking part on the athletics running track. A great day was had by all . Dalmun won the Taylor House Shield. The boys’ champion was Joe Arnold with runner up Logan Clive. The girls’ Champion was Nicole Miller with runner up Keira Murdock.   The winner of the 300m boys race was won by Joe Arnold with runner up Jack Palmer.  The 300m girls race was won by Nicole Miller with runner up Grace McQuarrie.








Primary 4 Trip to Rockcliffe and Kippford RNLI and SYC

Primary 4 have just recently had a fun filled day to Rockcliffe and Kippford. This was to tie in with their learning about the Galloway Coastline. At Rockcliffe, they met with National Trust for Scotland (NTS) Rangers to look for creatures in rock pools and to build awareness about the issues of plastic and other litter in the oceans after collecting items from the beach.  A big thank you goes to James and David and the other NTS volunteers.  then it was time for a walk up the Muckle Hill before lunch on the beach near to Roughfirth. At Kippford the pupils had  a visit to the RNLI Station where they saw the crew’s changing room and kit. They even got to try on some of the gear and enjoyed a close up look at the lifeboat itself. We are very grateful to Linda for showing us around. At the Solway Yacht Club (SYC) the children watched some dinghies out sailing together with a safety boat. The children also saw, at close hand, ‘Everest Skye 2, ‘ the namesake albeit number 2 of the dinghy in the Nursery garden back at school, which was gifted by SYC back in November ahead of a boat naming ceremony by Sir Malcolm Ross. At the SYC boat yard, the pupils enjoyed helping to do the final rigging of the laser dinghy before seeing it launched by James Howie.  Thank you SYC and the  Bishop family. Thank you also to all the parent and grandparent helpers.  A great day was had by all!










Eco Group plants Commemorative Flowerbed in Colliston park

The Eco group recently went to Colliston Park to plant red, white and blue flowers to create a special bed to commemorate the Armed Forces in the year we mark the 100 year anniversary of the end of WW1. Thanks to Margaret Copp for organising the plants. We do hope the design comes into flower according to the design!



Police Citizenship Awards

We are delighted to announce that Gregor Davidson and Aaron Bryson have been chosen as our Police Citizenship prize winners. They were chosen for the their commitment to extra duties such as litter picking and for the part they play in supporting groups and organisations in the local community. Well done! their prize will be to join other winners form across the region for a trip to Cream o Galloway on Monday 4th June.

School Council News: RNLI Fundraising Jars

On Friday 11th May, the school councillors launched their fundraising campaign for the local lifeboat station at Kippford . We had a  visit from  Mr Keith Armstrong Clark who gave us a  wonderful presentation about the work of the RNLI. He showed us the kit which a RNLI crew member would wear in addition to lots of interesting video clips to see the range of boats in the RNLI fleet and the types of rescues which the RNLI can get involved in.  We also found out how much the kit and boats cost in addition to being reminded about being safe near water. Mr Armstrong Clark also brought us some super leaflets to remind us of this. We also welcomed volunteers from Kippford Lifeboat station.

The school councillors have now distributed small jam jars (one per family) to fill with 5p coins. When full, a jar will hold between £2.50 and £2.65.  We have had 12 full jars in already…well done!  We would like all jars to be returned as soon as they are filled and  we would like them all back in by the end of September 2018.

Very soon, Primary 4 will also be visiting the lifeboat station at Kippford as part of their learning about the Galloway Coast.



‘THREE TREES’ Easter Service In Church

On Thursday 29th March, we held our Easter Service in Dalbeattie and Kirkgunzeon Parish Church. The service re-told the Easter story through ‘Three Trees’ which each had different aspirations about what they wanted to be used for. Their hopes and plans did not work out and, although initially disappointed, the trees all saw the much greater worth of the uses they were actually put to. The story was told most effectively by the three Primary 7s who played the parts of the trees but also by the other Primary 7 narrators, interspersed with some lovely singing which the whole school has been practising over recent weeks.





The Romans Play

On Friday 23rd March, history was made in Dalbeattie Primary, within Dalbeattie Learning Campus.  Primary 4, under the direction of Mrs Anderson, staged our first dramatic performance in the Primary School Hall. This was the first time, out stage had been opened up to the hall to showcase a play. Primary 4 rose to the occasion. They worked so hard to learn their lines and knew all their parts well. By the end of the show, we had all learned so much more about life in Roman villas and how to build Roman roads. Well done Primary 4 and Mrs Anderson for making history!