All posts by Mrs Howie

School Gymnastics Competition

On Thursday 24th January,  our gymnasts took part in after school competition.

Recently, many of our gymnasts, who have been working hard all year, attending after school gymnastics clubs, took part in a regional competition (see previous blog post) so it was great to see all of our gymnasts compete in a school competition to which family were invited to watch. There were prizes awarded for regional level, school competition level and special awards for those showing most improvement.

Our thanks go to Mrs Duncan, Mrs Bradbury and Abigail Simpson who have given so much of their time to develop our young people’s gymnastic skills. We are also grateful to Mrs Bradbury, Abigail and Mr Drennan for being judges for the completion held in school and to Davie Stitt for presenting the awards.


Head Teacher’s Award Winners

Today, we had another deserving group of award winners who received their certificates and prizes. Also in the picture are some pupils who have gained their ‘Striders’ badges for showing dedication to walking within the school grounds. Not in the picture, however (photo to follow) are the Primary 4 class who were presented with the December award for WOW Tracker.

Christmas Service in Church December 2018

The school has enjoyed a lovely end of term service in Dalbeattie and Kirkgunzeon Parish Church. The Primary 7 pupils performed a play entitled ‘A Super Christmas,’ directed by Mrs Duncan, where some superheroes were rather worried when they thought they would be out of a job due to a ‘new superhero’ coming to the world. Meanwhile, some shepherds had also heard the news and were on the way to find baby Jesus, following a star which the angel had told them to about. On the way, they met the superheroes and all was explained. Eventually, they all found baby Jesus and the superheroes realised they could still have a useful job but that Jesus, as  Saviour of us all, was there to help us all share God’s love and to feel part of his Church.  Mark Smith then shared his message about Christmas with the children before we all sang the songs we had been practising, Child in a Manger and Ding Dong.

Primary 3/ 4 and the Vikings!

The Morning boys and girls at nursery had a real treat today as they were invited along to watch a Viking play performed by                        Primary 3 /4. It was an excellent show. All the children had lines to say and they all delivered them confidently. Together with some wonderful singing and a fantastic display of Longships, which the children had made as part of a homework task linked to their topic work,  Primary 3 / 4 really did put on quite a show! Mrs Dunlop and Miss Kirkpatrick are really proud of the class for their enthusiasm, confidence and creativity. “Fabulous acting and tuneful singing- next stop Broadway!” commented Mrs Dunlop.




Primary 1 and 2 Party

Primary 1 and 2 children have just had a fantastic Christmas party. They played traditional games such as ‘I Sent a Letter,’ ‘The Farmer’s in his Den,’ ‘Hokey Cokey,’ ‘Pass The Parcel,’ ‘Musical Statues’ and ‘Corners’  together with some dancing competitions. Before juice and crisps, there was a big surprise:  Santa arrived to give out some little presents! This was quite a highlight for the boys and girls. Thank you Santa! They loved your visit.

Primary 7 Party

Primary 7 have just enjoyed their evening Christmas party  in the Heughan Hall, led by the Sports Leaders of Dalbeattie High School and organised by Miss Clendinning and Mrs Graham. Thanks go to Mrs Duncan, Mrs Murray and Jannie Jean who prepared the refreshments. A great time was had by all. A big thank you to Mr Drennan of DHS PE Department  for helping with the whole event, including the sound system!

A King Is Born Nativity December 2018

Primary 1, 1 /2 and 2 have just performed their successful nativity ‘A King Is Born.’ The action follows some children who are too excited to sleep on Christmas Eve. Their Mum decides to tell them a bed-time story and of course, it’s the story of  ‘The First Christmas’ ever. The mum, played by Katie Dickie, then narrates the story which involves all the well- known figures such as the Shepherds, The Angel Gabriel and a host of angels, The Three Kings, Caesar, Roman Soldiers, Census Takers, Inn keepers and Citizens of Bethlehem  together, of course, with Mary, Joseph, Baby Jesus and a donkey. The show was performed once in the evening and once in the afternoon to large audiences. Thank you to everyone who came along. We were also pleased to welcome folks along from the Day Centre. We do hope you all enjoyed it! A big thank you to all the staff who helped make it possible and for all the children for learning all their words and new songs and to the parents who helped out with costumes.