All posts by Mrs Howie

RHET Food and Farming Day for Primary 6

Primary 6 have just returned from a  fantastic day at RHET’s Food and farming event at Wallets Mart in Castle Douglas. The event was organised by RHET’s Fiona Jamieson and it involved many local food and farming providers who helped to lead workshop activities about ‘Tractors,’ ‘Meat,’ ‘Dairy,’ ‘Cereals,’ ‘Deer’ and ‘Sheep.’

At lunchtime, the children were able to do some food tasting of burgers and venison sausages. They were received most favourably! GlenUrr ice cream also gave the pupils pots of ice cream to eat.

At the end of the day, the children also got to take part in an auction. Some of our pupils volunteered to be the auctioneers in the ring while other pupils took part in the bidding.

Our thanks go to everyone involved in this very successful day. We realise the sheer amount of organisation such an event takes. The pupils learned so much about food and farming. They now appreciate much more about the journeys taken by our livestock for it to be Scottish Quality Assured and about the processes which are used to turn cereals into flour and sheep’s fleece into wool.


Head Teacher’s Awards and P7 Burns Winners

Here are today’s Award Winners. Also at Assembly, we celebrated the achievement of the Primary 7 Burns Club winners. We had recitations from Katie Mein and Joy McCall who were first and second places in the poetry section. Ruari Webster was in 3rd place. We also appreciated the art work from Willow Caldow, Kerri O Dornan and Myah Forster who came 1st, 2nd and 3rd in the art competition to depict a scene from Tam O Shanter. A group of ladies were also recognised for their achievement in coming third in a walking competition in which there were 400 entries. Well done to all!

Fairtrade Snack

Thank you to everyone who supported our Fairtrade Snack in school today. So far we have raised £122 for the Fairtrade organisation. The success of the event was due greatly to the wonderful donations we had from Tescos, Co-op and Kinnairds supermarkets.

We were also pleased to welcome Mary van Zwanenberg from the Fairtrade Organsation to our assembly, later in the day. Mary reminded us all about the important message of trying to buy Fairtrade items as this gives the farmers a fairer deal.

S3 Producers Market

The High School’s S3 Producers Market was a great success and the Primary School was delighted to be involved in it too. We are very grateful to all the support for our hampers. We had such an array of wonderful donations for each of our class hampers. A super sum (TBC) was raised for school funds.  It was also great to see participation from some of our classes who had made items to sell at the market. Primary 4 made bird feeders, Primary 1 /2 re-wrapped shortbread in their own gift wrap design and Primary 3 /4 made Bunny Bag Treats. (Sorry no photos from the Bunny bag stall where items sold out so soon- However pictures are in a separate blog post.)  Well done to Mrs Houston and her team in Dalbeattie High School who made this event such a success. See DHS Facebook page for more pictures.

Sparling Fish in School!

The School Eco Group and Primary 5 have enjoyed some really interesting learning experiences when they had a visit from Courtney Rowland of the Galloway Fisheries Trust. The children were learning about Sparling Fish, a very rare species which only exists in three Scottish rivers nowadays despite being in fifteen in years gone by. The children learned about the number of eggs spawned, the migration of the fish upstream from estuaries and the fact that they smell like cucumber! We also learned about the problems they face: pollution, over fishing and migration barriers. We are very grateful to Courtney who not only prepared a really interested presentation but who also came equipped with a wonderful array of resources from worksheets to activities to board games, all connected to Sparling Fish. There are no excuses now for not remembering all the key facts. Thank you Miss Rowland!

Scots Poetry and Head Teacher Award Winners

Today in assembly, not only did we have more deserving  Head Teacher’s Award Winners but we also celebrated the success of our Scots poetry finalists. In Primary 1-2, the runners up were Sophie Pennell, Evie McGougan, Cameron Hitchell, Aiden Edgar, Lucas Tattersfield, Katie Dickie, Jessica Boynton and Lucy Johnstone. The winners were Reuben Benson, Lucy Smith and Rory McCormick.In Primary 3-7, the runners up were Anaya Nerestan, Ailsa Ferguson, Fern Lundy, Elsie Gibbs-Brown, Daisy-May Gilmour, Ava Drummond,  Jasmine Wixon,  Liam Bourhill, Laith Atkinson Deacon, Fabio Murray-Sanchez, Thomas Jardine and Fraser Campbell. The winners were Lucy Bell, Sam Donnelly, Chloe Campbell, Jack Johnstone, Grace Hurley and Olive Lyons. The recent success at curling for Logan Carson was also highlighted. The Rev Fiona Wilson was also present.

Cash For Kids

Dalbeattie Primary School is proud to present local charity Cash For Kids with a cheque for £252 which was raised by our ‘Christmas Jumper Day’ which we held on the last day of term before the Christmas holidays. Our photos show the presentation of the cheque and the children and staff wearing their jumpers on at the service in Dalbeattie and Kirkgunzeon Parish Church on the last day of the Christmas term.  Cash For Kids’ Emma Cowan said she was very grateful for this donation and it would be put to very good use.