All posts by Mrs Fitzsimmons

Dragons’ Den visit P6F

Primary 6F have been working with Miss Duncan to design their own confectionary product to pitch to our very own Dragons! Each child had to create a new product based on their knowledge of advertising, make an idea board, think about the costing for their product and put a convincing pitch together to present to the Dragons.

The finalists were: Jenny Blackwood; Leon Pipe; Lainey Ireland; Liam Whalen and Myah Sargent.

Our Dragons were: Logan Bond; Ciara McQuarrie; Aaron Campbell and Shannon Kelly.

The winner to be announced…

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Dalbeattie High School Visit to P6F

On Tuesday 1st March a group of S3 students visited P6 in order to share their work regarding healthy eating and food labelling.  They led  various group tasks including ordering drinks based on sugar content and measuring the number of spoonfuls of sugar in a number of popular drinks.  This linked very well to our current health work.

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