All posts by Mrs Fitzsimmons

P6F Favourite Author Challenge

This afternoon P6 shared the homework task they were set regarding their favourite author.  Some pupils chose to present their information in a poster while some chose a factfile.  We began by looking at all our work and reading all the fabulous facts before giving written feedback to each other.

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Many of us were very keen to present our work to class and we thoroughly enjoyed listening to each other.  Mrs Fitzsimmons was very impressed with all our hard work and how creative it was!DSCN1760 DSCN1763 DSCN1764

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Stuart Reid Returns to P6F!!

On Tuesday afternoon P6 were delighted to welcome back author Stuart Reid!  Following our previous workshop we all wrote our own stories which were posted to Stuart.  He very kindly read them all giving each one of us comments.  Infact, he enjoyed them so much he chose three pupils to each receive one of his books which he signed!  The lucky recipients were Lainey Ireland, Ciara McQuarrie and Liam Whalen.


As well as receiving feedback on our stories Stuart took us for another writing workshop where we really looked at setting, description, emotions and the senses to improve our work.  We worked really hard and had lots of ideas and suggestions which we will incorporate in our future writing.  Thank you very much Stuart.

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Visitors in P6F

Last week we had a visit from Mrs Armitage who came along to tell us all bout life in the Caribbean as she lived and taught there on an island called Curacao a few years ago!  We were all very keen to hear her stories and she kindly left lots of photographs and other items for us to look at.  Mrs Armitage said we were great listeners and really enjoyed chatting with us.  Thank you for popping in!P1000840


Later on that week we had a visit from Lisa Ashby from the Smoking Matters Team.  She came along to ask our help in looking at a case involving a smoker.  We had lots of discussion regarding what influences young people to begin smoking and the related risks.  We worked very well on several tasks and then used  our new knowledge in a creative writing task.

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P6F Space Models

Last term P6 were studying the Solar System and were asked to produce a 3D model that answered a ‘big question ‘on a topic that interested them about space.  At the end of term all models were showcased to parents and friends at our Science Fair and several other classes came to marvel at our magnificent work!  There was a great variety of subjects covered and all models had accompanying research.

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We spoke very enthusiastically about our models and were keen to present our work to other classes including P2 who had been studying the planets.  Well done P6!

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P6F Gaming with P2

This term P6 have been using the software Kodu to create their own game. The target audience was P2 who were invited to come and play these games!  Both classes joined together and the P6’s enjoyed explaining the aim and instructions of their games while P2 gave a lot of positive feedback.  We finished with P2 singing a song they had learned about the Solar System. Great fun!

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P6 Cross Country Competition

On Monday 7th March Primary 6 held their annual cross country competition in Colliston Park.  The children had been in training having completed a block on jogging and then fitness.  There was much cheering from parents and children as all crossed the finishing line!  Well done Primary 6!

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First boy past the post was Leon Pipe.

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First girl home was Tia Thorburn.


Well done to all our winners!