All posts by Mrs Dyson

Terrific Transformations in Primary 5

Our topics this term are ‘Meet our Team’ and the ‘Wonderful World of Roald Dahl’. We celebrated the 100th Anniversary of Roald Dahl’s birthday. Mrs Dyson was amazed at our Roald Dahl character transformations (remember to click on each photo to see the full size version). We are looking forward to sawing wood to make the photo frames for our Enterprise Project next.

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P5D Ukulele

Primary 5D pupils showed their appreciation to Mr and Mrs Butterworth for all the time, support and encouragement they have given us. We personalised a ukulele, gave a frame with our Music Festival photo and fingerprinted musical notes on a unique ukulele shaped card. We have all loved (Mrs Dyson included) developing our skills in playing the ukulele and have learned so much through our ukulele instructor Mr Butterworth. We look forward to developing our skills further next session.

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A huge thank you to Mr and Mrs Butterworth!

P5D Outdoor Learning

Primary 5 pupils had a fun afternoon participating in a variety of Outdoor Learning experiences. We planted and then watered wildflower seeds into our class planter. We then created our own Nature Art to decorate our planter by using a variety of natural materials found in our school grounds. We explored the field area to identify invertebrates using our ID Bug Charts. Calum’s group even found a bug which changed colour as they were watching it! We also took the opportunity to carry out some litter picking to keep our grounds beautiful. Mrs Dyson was very proud of all our hard work and enthusiasm during all activities.

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ECO Committee Meeting

Our ECO Committee had their final meeting of this session. They reviewed our targets and organised the last few activities to be completed – a litter survey with presentation and reading a story to Nursery pupils about the importance of clearing away litter. They helped to organise the new resources that will be used by pupils when playing outside during lunch breaks. These include imaginative bags with model dinosaurs and lego men, construction bags with wooden pieces for building, wooden boards for writing outdoors and nature investigation bags with binoculars, magnifying glasses and ID charts.     (click on photos for full view of pupils)

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P5D Bug Count Survey

Primary 5D pupils were Citizen Scientists as they carried out a Bug Count Survey for the Open Air Laboratory (OPAL). They explored our school grounds and identified all the bugs found. Pupils worked in teams to spot bugs and then used ID charts to correctly identify each invertebrate. They explored soft ground surfaces, hard man-made surfaces and plants. Pupils were responsible as they handled the bugs with care and remembered to return each one back to their habitat. Brooke, Aimee and Alana then entered all our collected data onto the website where the OPAL team will collate results across the whole of the UK.

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ECO Outing

Our Eco Committee returned to the river at the Dee Hatchery to see how our salmon had grown. We watched as the Galloway Fisheries staff carried out Electro-Fishing in the water. We were then able to have a closer look at the salmon they caught  and unfortunately, some crayfish.

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We then visited Spottes Burn where we saw even more fish. We were able to have a closer look at salmon, trout and eels, before returning them safely back to the water. We presented Rowan Armstrong with a card and flowers to show our appreciation of her input and support with this project.