All posts by Mrs Dyson

P5 Scottish Wildlife Projects

Primary 5D pupils created 3D models of Scottish mammals and birds and presented interesting facts about their chosen animal. Mrs Dyson was very impressed with how much effort pupils made with this homework task and was amazed with how different each model was. Well done everyone! Pupils gave a presentation to the class then shared their research and models with pupils from P4/5. All models are now on display outside our classroom and have received lots of praise from staff and pupils.

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Code Club fun!

Our Code Clubbers enjoyed another busy session at Code Club this week. Keira, Aimee, Millie, Logan and Aaron used code to create their own ChatBot animations. Murdo, Orla and Heather were coding to create their own Dodgeball game. Our Micro:bits arrived so Orla and Heather also investigated how to make their own interactive badge using these pocket-sized computers! Mrs Duncan even popped in to play the animations and games. Mrs Dyson and Mr Muirhead are amazed each week with how well our Code Clubbers are collaborating and progressing. Well done everyone!

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Our Code Clubbers continue to develop their computer coding skills at our after-school club with Mrs Dyson and Mr Muirhead. We have five new members who are working on Module One. They have created their own Rock Band and their own Space Animation using the Scratch Coding program. Our more experienced Code Clubbers were introduced to the BBC Micro:bit today and they carried out several investigations using this pocket-sized computer. Mrs Dyson is awaiting the arrival of more Code Club Micro:bits and she is excited about using these in future challenges with our Code Clubbers.  Well done everyone tonight for a super session!           (Note: please click on photos for full size version)

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More Code Club Congratulations!

A few of our Code Clubbers were unable to make our final session of Module 1 so the photo below shows them receiving their certificates. They also shared their thoughts of Code Club. I am very proud of all their efforts over the course of Module 1.    Mrs Dyson


“I enjoyed experimenting and being creative with the projects.” (Myah)

“I liked completing all the projects because they all had a unique style, for example, in Ghostbusters, the ghost kept disappearing to different places.” (Gregor)

“I enjoyed making a selection of games and personalising them.” (Heather)

“I really enjoyed making my Ghostbusters game. I learned to change backgrounds and sprites.” (Tia)

Code Club Congratulations!

Congratulations to all Code Clubbers who participated in Module 1. Tonight, we had a celebration session where pupils received certificates and shared their thoughts of this After-School club. Their comments are noted below. I have been very proud of all the pupils’ hard work and enthusiasm. They have learned so much about digital programming and have been great problem solvers. I would also like to thank Mr Muirhead for helping at Code Club each week.    Mrs Dyson

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“I learned how to code and that’s what I want to do as a career. I enjoyed typing code using python.” (Kurtis)

“I had been wanting to use Scratch since I saw it on the Internet. I liked creating my Speedboat game.” (Nathan)

“My top tip is to follow the instructions. My favourite task was making the Lost in Space animation.” (Orla)

“I enjoyed Code Club and have learned how to make sprites speak and move.” (Adam)

“It’s educational and fun! My favourite was using Python.” (Andie)

“This was one of the first activities to affect my future career in Game Design. My favourite session was working with Python.” (Murdo)

“My favourite was typing the code using Python – very educational.” (Reilly)

“I liked Chatbot because my sprite looked really funny.” (Ciara)

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Code Club

Our very first Code Club at Dalbeattie Primary started this session. Mrs Dyson and Mr Muirhead have been amazed with the digital programming skills that the first Code Clubbers have developed already. Code Clubbers have worked collaboratively in this after school club to create their own musical Rock Band, a Lost in Space animation and this week, they created their own Ghostbusters catching game.

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