Primary 5/6 Europe Topic – Italy

Primary 5/6 have had a fun afternoon learning about Italy. They were split into groups and rotated around different stations.

Station 1: Tasting Italian food and comparing it to Scottish food – Bread Sticks, Ferrero Rocher, Italian Coconut Cookies and Chocolate Chip Biscotti.

Station 2: Looking at real Italian greetings cards and making their own using Italian language.

Station 3: Using maps to locate Italian cities and finding out how people travel around Italy.

Station 4: Researching Pompeii and finding out about the volcano by looking at photos and reading books.

Some comments the children made at the end of the lesson:

Lily – “I learnt that the people of Pompeii didn’t know what a volcano was”.

Nicole – “I learnt that Italians eat very strange food but they probably think our food is strange too”.

Archie – “My favourite fact was that people in Italy use different stamps at Christmas time than the rest of the year”.

Jake – “I enjoyed learning about and tasting new Italian foods”.

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