Dalbeattie Nursery children have been delighted with the wonderful refurbishment of some of their favourite play things. Before moving to our new Learning Campus, staff felt that some of our much loved items were still really loved but were in need of a little care to make them look fresh and bright for our brand new school. Dalbeattie Men’s Shed came to the rescue. The gentlemen uplifted all the items we wished to be restored and returned them to our campus in time for the new school opening. Our restored car has ben a particular favourite! Our pictures show the Geoff Allison, Geoff Thomas and Derek Caldow from the Men’s Shed receiving a cheque to cover the cost of materials used together with a small donation. Derek Caldow has particularly enjoyed re-varnishing our set of wooden chairs. He remembers sitting on these same chairs when he was at school. Our pictures also show him testing out what it feels like to sit on one today! A third picture also shows our wonderful school lectern, which has pride of place on the Primary School stage. The lectern was found in the basement of the old school at the time of our 140 year anniversary celebrations but was riddled with woodworm. Again, the Men’s Shed sorted things out by treating it and replacing the wood where necessary so that it could come with us to our new school.