🥌 Primary 7 took part in an indoor Curling competition today ran by Amy from Active Schools and assisted by the DHS Sports Leaders. Everyone showed great team spirit, encouraging each other and congratulating each other. The nail biting final came down to a 4-4 draw and was decided by a sudden death draw shot. Our winning team, The Fizzy Fantas, were victorious and will now progress to the stewartry schools competition on the 11th December.
A huge well done to all our teams, especially runners up Harris, Sammy, Calum and Korey; and our winners Jack, Darcy, Shiannah and Sophie. 👏🏼
P4 Gymnastics Final Week
It has been great to see the progress our P4 gymnasts have made over the last 4 weeks. They have developed jumping,balancing and rolling skills. Their precision and techniques have progressed so much. Those that have knowledge and additional experience of gymnastics have also been super at sharing their knowledge and skills to support others. This week we worked on balancing skills on the bean and jumping/shapes on the trampette.
Play Leaders
Our sports captains and vice captains have been working with Amy again this week to develop their skills to become play leaders. Lots of discussion, planning and testing activities. We are looking forward to our play leaders supporting classes at lunchtimes through different planned activities.
Rock Up and Ride
Head Teacher Awards
Children in Need Week
There‘s been a major focus on fundraising for Children in Need this week at Dalbeattie Primary. And it’s all been organised by The School Pupil Council who have brought their ideas to how to make it a little different this year.
Firstly, we saw the return of the Spotty Ball Pit. The pupils have been bringing in donations for drawing ball numbers from the ball pit for a chance to win a Pudsey goody. The numbers were drawn on the actual Children in Need Day and the lucky winners were: Calum Brown, Kyla Waller, Ed Parr, Skye Johnstone, Beth Blackstock, Leo Hastings, Harrison McVinnie (missing from picture,) Charlotte Gale, Reggie Murray and Isla Whalen.
Meanwhile, another competition also ran through the week. Pupils had the chance to enter a competition to design a new eye patch for Pudsey or a bow for Blush. The entries were amazing! Perhaps we shall need to share them with the BBC. It was a very tough job for the School Pupil Council to judge the entries but they eventually came up with winners of the Pudsey Patch as: Eva Tinklin, Niamh McCormick, Ava Corson, Jasper Burns, Elise Wixon, Connor Houston, Alex Davidson, Joey McKerlie and Olivia Carson. The Blush Bow winners were: Ellie Tinklin, Mollie Watson, Esme hicks, Evie McGougan, Eilidh Brown, Liam Geddes, Kelsey Copland, Allie McMinn and Aurla Ferguson.
And, finally, on Friday in school, we had a non uniform day when the children could wear something either yellow, spotty or simply bright and colourful. Donations brought in on this day were split between Children in Need and the Janice Jamieson memorial Fund to sponsor a young person’s education in Malawi.
The amount raised for Children in Need is still being totalled but it is thought we will reach a figure of at least £300, which is an amazing figure! Well done all and thank you for supporting our School Pupil Council in this valuable fundraising activity.
On top of all this, there has been lots of learning activities going on in classes too with the pupils learning about how Children in Need helps other young people in the UK.
Please see the previous post for our school councillors in action helping with all the fundraising throughout the week.
Children in Need Part 1
Christmas Window Competition
Christmas Window Competition
Final day tomorrow to enter this great competition. Please use link below to enter.
Hopscotch Theatre
We had a visit from Hopscotch theatre today. they performed a play based on the story of Pinnochio. Some great laughs and humour through out enjoyed by all.
Book Club
Ella McLellan from the Scottish Book Trust joined Mrs Lumsden and the book club today to talk about different text and books they enjoy reading.