Burns Poetry Competition

What a fantastic afternoon in P7 listening to the finalists of the Burns poetry competition. It was a pleasure to have Mr and Mrs Cathro join us for the judging. Thanks also goes to Dalbeattie Burns Club for donation of funds towards prizes.

Poetry 1st Evie, 2nd Lily, 3rd Ebony Mc

Art 1st Isla,2nd Amalie,3rd Elise














Lockerbie Manor Feb 25

A great time was had by all at Lockerbie Manor. The children were fantastic and supported each other through the range of activities we participated in. Thank you to all the staff who joined us on the trip and for making memories with the children.

We hope you enjoy looking through the range of photos from our trip below.


Values – Kind, Committed, Respected, Included, Responsible

4 Capacities –  Successful learner, Confident, Individuals, Effective Contributors.

SHANARRI– Safe, Healthy, Active, Nurtured, Achieving, Responsible, Respectful, Included

Assembly and HT Awards

Today in assembly we spoke about the theme from Mental Health Week. ‘ Know Yourself, Grow Yourself’ .  We looked at different emotions and how they affect everyone differently. We also thought about how everyone is unique and has their own special qualities,strength but also things that they might worry about and need help with.

Awards were given out for a range or reasons today. We had pupils showing  confidence in their numeracy work about decimals. Some pupils were showing great skill in PE when balancing and creating sequences in gymnastics. Reading skill shave been developing in some classes and pupils demonstrating skills in comprehension. One young person has also shown determination intreating Chinese dragon puppet linked to their class learning.  P6 received a whole class award today too for their skills and confidence when creating Stop Motion Animations this week.  Well done to all our award winners this week.


Assmbely and HT Awards

Today in assembly we spoke about commination and communicating.  We spoke about how it is important that we talk to and listen to each other in respectful ways. We can use our voices to communicate, we can respond and communicate using body language and facial gestures. We spoke about active listening and not getting distracted when someone is speaking to you. We have had a lot of people saying things to each other for a joke recently when it actually isn’t a joke and it has hurt people’s feelings so we spoke about things not always seeming like joke to everyone and how everyone understanding and interprets things differently. We also spoke about the tone in which we communicate with others being important and how this is interpreted.

As well as face to face communication, online communication was also spoken about. Using appropriate language and remembering that what you put in a chat or email can be traced and we need to be very careful and safe when communicating on line through gaming, chat room or in group chats. We will look at cyber safety further on safer internet day on 11th February.

Final message was about remembering once words are out of mouths they can’t go back and similarly words online create a digital footprint and we need to stay safe.

Awards were given out to day for a variety of reasons as always. It was great to hear about the fantastic writing happening across the  school, pupils showing resilience and commitment to learning, pupils being kind caring members of the class, being a thoughtful friends. Mrs Grey had also noted some great skills in gymnastics this week for her awards winners.

Well done everyone another super week.


Andrew and Amy also received their books for winning the P6/7 and P7 Accelerated Reader raffles form Term 2


4 Capacities – Successful Learners, Effective Contributors

SHANARRI – Healthy, Achieving, Responsible,Respected

VAlues – Kind ,Committed, Respeonsible



Primary 6 Scottish Country Dancing Festival

P6 Scottish Country Dancing Festival

Primary 6 took part in the Scottish Country Dancing festival run by Active Schools at Dalbeattie High School. There were also several other Stewartry schools taking part. To prepare for the festival, we learnt four new Scottish Country Dances and created our class banners. We all looked great in our tartan and we walked into the hall to the bagpipes playing. The children danced brilliantly and all earned a special certificate for taking part. Well done!


4 Capacities – Successful Learners, Effective Contributors, Responsible Citizens, Confident Individuals

SHANARRI – Healthy, Active, Achieving, Responsible, Respected, Included

Values – Kind ,Committed, Responsible, Respected, Included

Rotary Young Writer Competition Opportunity

Pupils in Primary 5 upwards are being invited to enter this Young Writer Rotary competition. The theme is ‘Wonderful Water’ and the way it is written is completely open. Prose pieces are to be no more than 500 words and poetry no more than 40 lines. Some classes may be undertaking the activity if it fits with their topic work.  If not, entries written at home can be entered too. There is a Rotary Writing shield for the winner and vouchers for the runners ups, with pens and certificates presented to all who participate. Any folks at home needing more information or to have an entry/permission form sent home, please do email gw09howiealexandra@ea.dumgal.sch.uk

Citizenship Booklets


As we make our way through Term 3, please remember to keep your citizenship booklets safe.  This scheme is funded by the William Heughan Trust and is designed to celebrate the wider achievements of our young people both in and out of school. .

This year, in Term 2, new booklets were given to: pre school children in Nursery; Primary 2; and Primary 5 children. This is because booklets are started at the beginning of either Early, First or Second levels and are designed to last 2-3 years. Those who were given books over the last two years, remember also to keep updating them while keeping them safe at home. in June we ask for them to come into school briefly to be assessed for Heughan prizes.

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