Category Archives: environment

Fair-trade Big Breakfast at Rhunahaorine

Rhunahaorine Big Breakfast 1Children at Rhunahaorine celebrated Fair Trade Fortnight with a Big Breakfast on Friday 4th March.
Parents, pupils and staff enjoyed wearing our onesies and tucking in to hot chocolate, fruit and cereals to raise awareness of the plight of the farmers who produce our breakfasts. We learned that millions of farmers in developing countries work hard to grow the food we eat yet many don’t even get enough to eat. We are trying to help them by making sure that our healthy breakfasts are also Fair Trade.
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Green Flag – Drumlemble Primary

Drumlemble Green Flag March 2016Drumlemble Primary School are delighted to announce that they have been awarded their third green flag. All of the children in the school have been working incredibly hard to achieve this. It has been wonderful to see all of the children fully involved in working towards their targets. Next term the children will build Eco into their Inter Disciplinary Learning and will work together to improved the school grounds. The children would like to thank Mrs McAlister and Mrs Black for their hard work and dedication in order to help them be to achieve this.

Success at the School Bulb Competition

Garelochhead Bulb Competition 1P4 and P5 took part in the Helensburgh and Lomond school bulb competition recently. The hyacinths grown by all the children created a very impressive display with one winning the overall gold medal. Congratulations to John Smith who won first prize.

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Clachan and Skipness are Ocean Explorers!

SAMSOn Tuesday the 23rd of February, the pupils of Clachan and Skipness Primary Schools had a fascinating visit to the Ocean Explorer Centre.

We have been learning about marine biology and RV technology in our recent IDL and during our personal learning time, so it was exciting to get a behind the scenes tour of the research at SAMs. Continue reading Clachan and Skipness are Ocean Explorers!

Southend Primary Gets Third Green Flag!

Southend ECO Flag 1 2016At Southend Primary School and ELCC we have been awarded our 3rd green flag! Our Eco Group have been monitoring litter in the playground, improving both playground areas by introducing a pond, wild flower area and grass for outdoor studies. The Pavillion has had recycled bottles put into the windows to reduce the draught. The Wendy House, Pavillion, benches and gardening boxes have all been repainted and we had fun measuring and marking games on the playground.

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Innellan Primary School Wildlife Watch Group

Innellan PS Wildlife checkThe pupils at Innellan Primary School have received a ‘Level 4-Thriving It’s Your Neighbourhood Award’.
The School is continuing to develop an area of waste ground in order to attract as wide a variety of wildlife as possible. Members of the community help the children with growing seeds and planting, and the children get involved in environmental art, making it a fun and productive space.

DGS Debates on Trident

DGS Trident debate picture2On Friday the 18th December, the pupils of Dunoon Grammar School took part in a whole school debate on ‘should the UK government renew Trident?’ This was the culmination of three weeks of preparation, research and speech writing for everyone involved.

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Taynuilt win Oban Library Reading Den Competition with an Igloo!

igloo 3 002Taynuilt Nursery children have created and designed their very own milk bottle igloo. We have been collecting the empty bottles from our snack each day for a whole year! We started the first layer in October and is looking like an igloo, ice castle, Santa’s grotto, an animal den……..the list is endless. Our recent topic – Caring and Helping our Environment gave the children a clear focus on how we can reduce, reuse and recycle every day objects! Our more recent topic was Storytime which led us into World Book Week and to a BookBug Session as our topic celebration, and now the children are using it for their library where Winter and Christmas stories are favourable. Feel free to visit our Igloo for a story anytime!

Interdisciplinary Learning at Rockfield Primary School

Rockfield PS pirates 1Over the last term the children of Rockfield Primary have been learning a great deal through their interdisciplinary topics based on our overarching theme of “Adventure, Exploration and Innovation” Children in the early level have been learning about Pirates,

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Our Visit to Winston Churchill’s by P5 pupil Brooklyn

Strone visit to Winston Churchill's 1On Thursday the 26th November, Strone Primary School went to Winston Churchill’s to talk to them about venison and all the things that you can make from venison. We wanted to visit because we wanted to find local produce that we could use for our evening meal that we are cooking in The Pier Hotel in Kilmun in the New Year.
We had decided upon venison sausages and wanted to see how they are made and where they come from.

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Salen Primary School Sponsored walk

Salen PS Sponsored Walk 2Singing in the rain!

One very rainy day in September, Salen Primary School and Pre-school children cheerfully set off on their sponsored walk led by mascot Labrador, Sonny Bill, who was celebrating his 3rd birthday.

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Drumlemble & Carradale Primary Schools – 2015 Campbeltown Museum Exhibition

Drumlemble  & Carradale CM Primary School Exhibition 2015 2In late spring of this year, pupils from Drumlemble and Carradale Primary Schools took part in an innovative project created and delivered by the Kilmartin Museum education team. The main focus of the project, was the Campbeltown museum objects of the Iron Age/Early Historic period. The pupils enjoyed many days of input from the team and field archaeologist Roddy Regan as well as professional workshops with Lucinda Hopkinson, Sian MacQueen, Philip Price, Mandy Haggith and Jenny England.

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Perfect Picnic Winners – Luss

Luss PS Perfect picnicThe children from Luss Primary recently took part in the ACT (Argyll & The Isles Coast & Countryside Trust) “Perfect Picnic Competition” and were awarded a cheque for £100 for their ideas on how their Perfect Picnic site would look. They have been getting the garden ready and will spend the money on things like bird tables, a pop up tent and a parasol to complement the existing picnic benches. They are looking forward to next summer when they will be able to have picnics in the garden.

John Muir award success at Kilcreggan Primary School

Kilcreggan John Muir certificatesTen pupils from Kilcreggan primary recently achieved John Muir Discovery awards in recognition of their awareness and responsibility for wild places work. The pupils were all part of an after school club which met weekly last session and undertook various activities in and around the school grounds relating to discovering, exploring, conserving and sharing wild places.

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Dalintober PS Marks ‘School Food Day’

Dalintober PS Grow Your Own Food DayPupils, staff and Catering Staff decided to mark ‘School Food Day’, celebrating ‘Scotland’s Year of Food’ by holding an ‘Eat What You Grow’ lunch. Fruit and vegetables, grown on the school allotment, was harvested by members of the school’s Eco-Group and brought fresh from the site to the kitchen. The Catering Staff used the produce to make potato soup, potato salad, broad bean frittata and apple crumble – a sumptuous feast that was enjoyed by all!

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Rosneath Green Flag 2Rosneath Primary School pupils were so happy to “get their hands on” their very first Green Flag after an outstanding assessment report from Paula Love, Lead Assessor. They gathered together on a beautiful, sunny day (of which we don’t have that many!) out in the School grounds to show it off. We hope to have it flying high soon. As Julie Wilson , Education and Learning Manager (Keep Scotland Beautiful) said, “This is an outstanding achievement, congratulations to all.”