Category Archives: Music

Visit to the newly opened Atlantic Islands Centre

Luing PS Atlantic Ilsand CentreThe Atlantic Islands Centre on the Isle of Luing was open to visitors for the first time on Monday 25th May. Ukulele Luing – all the pupils from Luing Primary School – visited the centre and held a rehearsal (much to the delight of other visitors) of their performance for the official opening ceremony on 13th June. The children then had a wonderful time exploring the centre and were thrilled to recognise many friends and relatives in the interesting display by Luing Historical Society.

Music with Phillip Stewart at DPS!

DPS Guitar 2Primary 6 and Primary 7 were treated to learning about the bass guitar from a former Dunoon Primary pupil Phillip Stewart! Phillip has been busy studying for an Honours Degree in Professional Musicianship at the British & Irish Modern Music Institute.
Phillip explained to the class how the bass guitar is built and the importance of a bass guitar in a band. He also told the class how he began his musical journey. Some were surprised to hear that it actually began in Dunoon Primary School playing the chanter with Mr Campbell!
Continue reading Music with Phillip Stewart at DPS!

Bowmore Celebrates V.E.Day!

Bowmore PS VE Day 2Thanks to our wonderful kitchen ladies, Bowmore Primary enjoyed a lovely lunch which was reminiscent of the street parties, held in celebration of the Victory in Europe in 1945. This celebration was the brainchild of Mrs McHarrie, our kitchen lady! We had cheese, ham, egg and tinned salmon sandwiches, scones and pancakes, all washed down with lots of juice. We had to bring our own cup and plate as everyone did in 1945.

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Vocal workshop at DPS

DPS Vocal Workshops 1P3, P4 and our Pre 5 pupils were delighted to take part in a Vocal Workshop, organised and led by Miss McChesney, music teacher from Dunoon Grammar School and some of her fantastic pupils! The children learned some new songs, harmonised in groups with actions and dance moves. The children thoroughly enjoyed the experience. What a wonderful way to improve and add to their performance skills. An excellent opportunity to work in co-operation with enthusiastic and supportive secondary school pupils. Continue reading Vocal workshop at DPS

Dunoon Grammar School Music visit Kirn Early Learning and Childcare Centre

DGS visit Kirn PS  Early YearsOn Wednesday 29th April Karen McChesney and pupils from Dunoon Grammar School visited the Early Learning and Childcare Centre at Kirn to share some musical experiences. the children had fun with vocal warm-ups, clapping, dancing and singing and then enjoyed listening to Karen’s guitar playing.

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Dunoon Primary School Choir wow the crowds at Daffodil Tea!

DPS Daffodil Tea 1st May 2015 2Dunoon Primary School hosted their Annual Daffodil Tea on Tuesday 28th April. The Choir sang a selection of their favourite songs. The afternoon show was well attended by Senior Citizens from our local Community and the children presented a well rehearsed selection of songs e.g. Skyscraper Wean, Under the Sea and Colours of the Wind. The varied song choices and actions to the songs gave the delighted audience ‘the wow factor’.

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Spring Tea at Garelochhead PS

Garelochhead PS Spring Tea1Yesterday, families and friends of Garelochhead PS were treated to tea, coffee and biscuits to celebrate the start of British summer time. Lots of people turned up and were entertained during the event with songs from all the classes and an Easter ‘Who wants to be a Millionaire’ created by P7. Although the winner didn’t get a million pounds, they did receive some homemade Millionaire’s shortbread.

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Islay Schools Band Concert

Islay HS School bandIslay High School Band, Primary School Band and Ceol na Cloinne our P3/4 Training Band, held a fantastic concert on Thursday 19th March. Our special guests were Coisir Og Gaelic Ile, Ella Edgar Dancers and Islay High School Pipers. A great night was had by all, there was a lot of new exciting music from all bands not to mention soloists from the Primary band and High School Band, all of whom put on great performances. A great night was had by all, well done boys and girls!

BBC 10 Pieces Take Over Day at Lochgilphead Primary School

Lochgilphead Ten Pieces 1A fantastic day was experienced by pupils and staff when members of the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra and a BBC film crew took over Lochgilphead Primary School for the day! Pupils from Kilmartin Primary and Ardrishaig Primary also joined us for the day. A huge variety of activities took place with children participating in a whole school assembly, singing workshops, as well as musical and non-musical response workshops.

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BBC features our 10 Pieces Music Project!

P1000428Primary 3 & 4 and Primary 7 at Port Ellen recently carried out a joint IDL inspired by the BBC 10 pieces project. The project aimed to inspire a generation of children to get creative with classical music. After an inspiring CPD session with the CAST team, the classes got together to plan their learning, which involved using dance, gymnastics, art, writing, music and animation to express themselves creatively in response to classical music pieces. Continue reading BBC features our 10 Pieces Music Project!

Bowmore Primary Salutes Mrs MacDougall.

Bowmore PS Florence RetiralThe whole school, along with parents and friends turned up on Wednesday 11th February at Bowmore Primary to say a huge thank you to their retiring head teacher, Mrs MacDougall. She has been head teacher there for 16 years and we all wanted to say thank you and good luck! From Pre 5 to P7, we all had a special message, card, poem and song to share with Mrs MacDougall. Also, our choir sang beautifully, our Highland Dancers were very light on their feet (thanks to Breagh and Rowan for organising the repertoire) and our ensemble played with passion. It was quite an emotional morning. Mr McNulty, our minister, finished off with a special prayer. We then all enjoyed tea and cake (baked by Mrs Swarbrick, our secretary) and a fantastic buffet, prepared by our wonderful kitchen gals! We all wish Mrs MacDougall a long and happy retirement!

Burns Supper at Strone Primary School

Strone PS Burns Supper 2On Friday 30th January Strone Primary School Parent Council organised their annual Burns Supper held in the Kilmun Younger Hall. The event was well attended by families and members of the local community, who were treated to a great evening of entertainment by the P5-7 class and a delicious meal cooked by Mrs Rodger, our school cook.

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Bowmore Primary is ‘Tapsalteerie’!

Bowmore Tam o ShanterOn Tuesday 3rd February at Bowmore Primary, an appreciative audience enjoyed a child-friendly performance of our famous bard’s ‘Tam O’ Shanter’. Robert Burns’ famous poem was given the BPS treatment, creatively led by ‘Tapsalsteerie Theatre’- a unique husband and wife team from Stirling. David and Jackie Smith spent from 9.20 to 2.15 (breaks excluded of course!) with our P6s and P7s from the English and Gaelic classes.

Continue reading Bowmore Primary is ‘Tapsalteerie’!

Holocaust Memorial Day at Tobermory High School

Tobemrory Holocaust Memorial Day 2Holocaust Memorial Day took place on Tuesday 27 January. This world-wide event remembers not only the victims of the Holocaust but commemorates those killed in the genocides in Bosnia, Cambodia, Rwanda and Darfur.

S3 worked in RME to plan a memorial in Tobermory High School. The gym was transformed by displays, lights, music and candles to become a temporary Holocaust Memorial. Display boards gave information on the genocides and Holocaust. Continue reading Holocaust Memorial Day at Tobermory High School


boomThere are still spaces available on these afternoon CPD sessions. Come and learn how to facilitate effective drumming sessions. Drumming rates as the most satisfactory and inclusive musical experience children can experience in school. Participants will receive boomwhacker packs (tuned percussion tubes) for their school.

Continue reading BIG RHYTHM SESSIONS Funded music CPD

Rosneath Primary School – Burns Supper

Rosneath Primary School, P7/6 held a superb Burns Supper on the evening of Monday 27 January 2015.

After a supper of Soup followed by Haggis, neeps and tatties, then some of Mrs Johnson’s famous Shortbread, the pupils gave us an excellent evening of entertainment in true Burns fashion, from their ‘toasts’ (how witty the toast to the Lassies and also Rhys’s reply from the Lassies), to poetry, singing and dancing for all. Continue reading Rosneath Primary School – Burns Supper

Rothesay Primary: Outstanding P7 Burns Supper!

RPS Burns Supper 1What a fantastic afternoon at Mount Stuart for the P7 Burns Supper. The children led the whole event from the Selkirk Grace to the Vote of Thanks. We had recitations, songs, instrumentalists and highland dancing… a full afternoon celebrating the life and work of Robert Burns. Miss Henry and Mrs Watson wish to thank Mrs McKirdy and Mr Briggs for their efforts, Mount Stuart for the use of their premises, MacQueen’s Butcher for donating the delicious haggis and local farm Birgidale Butts for the tatties and neeps!
Continue reading Rothesay Primary: Outstanding P7 Burns Supper!

Save the Children & Dunoon Food Bank fundraising from Toward Primary and Innellan Primary Schools

To really set off the last few days of term pupils from both Toward & Innellan Primary Schools went along to sing some carols on Friday 12th December to the residents of Dalriada Grove, Innellan (Retirement/Sheltered housing). They were well received and as always were a credit to their schools. They wore Christmas jumpers that day and made £44 for “Save the Children – Christmas Jumper Day Appeal”.

Continue reading Save the Children & Dunoon Food Bank fundraising from Toward Primary and Innellan Primary Schools

Rhunahaorine Christmas Concert

Rhunahaorine primary and pre-5 Unit performed ” A Midwife Crisis” in Tayinloan Hall on the 18th December.
Thank you to all who came along to support us and to the parent council for all their help and lovely baking!
We raised £200 for school fund.

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