P3 Home learning 18/08/2020

Good morning Primary 3,

******Reminder – Today is the last day for Sport’s Day results! You MUST have entered the information into the Microsoft document on the link below by NOON today!


Don’t let your house down and earn them point’s now if you haven’t already!******

I hope you all managed to get your reports yesterday. It was lovely to see some of you and your families in school yesterday.

I hope you are all getting on well with your fitness fortnight activities and remember to do as many as you can over this week and next.

For today’s learning we will be looking at the human body. Watch the video on the link below then answer the short quiz:


Then I would like you to write a list of all the body part’s you think are needed for sport activities (you might be surprised!).

For Maths today I would like you to complete this worksheet on odd and even numbers. Remember odd numbers are whole numbers that cannot be divided into pairs e.g. – 1,3,5,7,9 etc. (can you see a pattern?). Even numbers can be divided e.g. – 2,4,6,8,10 etc. In one of the questions on the worksheet, it asks you to roll two dice. If you do not have dice, do not worry! If you go to google and type in ‘roll dice’ it will do it for you, and you can add more dice by clicking on the shapes underneath.


Answer sheet to check work against: Lesson-4-Answers-Odd-and-even-numbers-2019

I also have a reading comprehension sport’s day activity for you to do:


Have a great day and take care.

Mrs Love

Primary 3 Home Learning Wednesday 17.6.20

Good morning Primary 3. I hope you are enjoying health and fitness fortnight. Here are your home learning activities for today and the resources you will need. You can record the answers to the learning tasks in your jotter or on the sheets if you are able to print them.

Maths – Healthy eating addition and subtraction maths activity. Please complete one of the activity sheets. Choose the one that challenges you the most! Please find attached a 100 square grid to help you.

Literacy – Fact or opinion? Have a look at the power point attached. Can you work out which of the statements are facts or opinions? Are you able to make up your own fact or opinion statements? Please write the answers down in your jotter or on a piece of paper.

RME – We often think about how we can be kind to others. Have you ever thought about how you can be kind to yourself?

French – French sports and hobbies

Enjoy the rest of your week.

Miss Whigham

Healthy eating addition and subtraction facts up to 100 maths mosaic activity

100 Square

Fact or opinion powerpoint

Being kind to yourself activity sheet

Lesson Presentation Sports

Different sports snap card game French





Primary 3 are Epic!

Good morning Primary 3,

I have woken up to the wonderful news that you have passed another milestone in Epic! reading…

Over 1000 books! Well done Primary 3! Give yourselves a big pat on the back and a round of applause. I am very proud of you and what you have achieved since lock down. Well done!

Mrs Love

Tuesday 16th of June – P3

Bonjour ma classe!

Well what can I say, I had incredible photo’s and video’s sent over to me of you competing in Sport’s Day. I loved seeing you all having such a great time and with big smiles on your faces, it put a huge smile on my face too! Well done to each and every one of you who has competed so far, if you haven’t yet, do not worry! You have until Thursday before noon to take part and submit results to the link below:


Remember that for this week and next, our main focus will be on health and fitness for Health Fortnight. Here is the grid again with activities to take part in. Do as many as you can over the next two weeks:


As well as this, I would also like you to do extra activities each day which I will post on a daily basis. Here are today’s activities:

First of all, here is some Sports Day Multiplication and Division revision. There are different levels on the document, choose one (or more if you would like to practice) that you feel most comfortable doing, or challenge yourself to pick a trickier one: t-n-2545194-planit-y2-multiplication-and-division-differentiated-activity-sheets

Secondly, I would like you to create your own Sport’s Day event! Come up with your own activity. Did you have a favourite activity when taking part in Sport’s Day? Could you combine different activities together to make an amazing one? Or do you have a new one altogether? Think about when we have written our procedure pieces of writing, What is it called? What equipment is needed? How do you play the game? How many points would you earn? How do you earn the points? Remember to write the instructions down step by step and use language like ‘First…’ ‘Secondly…’ ‘Next…’ ‘Then…’ when explaining how it is played, so that is clear for anyone reading the instructions what they need to do. Here is a template you can use or you are welcome to write your own in your jotter or on paper: cfe2-p-87-design-your-own-sports-day-event-activity-sheet

Have a fantastic day and continue to send in your photo’s!

Mrs Love

P3 – Health Fortnight 2020

Good morning Primary 3,

As mentioned in the Sport’s Day blog post, the next two weeks would have been our ‘Health Fortnight’. I have attached the activity grid for the next two weeks below:


Do as many activities over the next fortnight as you can and email me photo’s or upload them to Twitter, tag me @MrsLoveP3 so that I can see them. If you could also tag @LVPSsportandPE please.

I will be posting extra activities to be completed on the blog over the fortnight as well, so please make sure you are checking the school blog particularly the Primary 3 blog page every day. Thank you.

Have a fantastic Health Fortnight. I cannot wait to see what you get up to and if flat Mrs Love take’s part too!

Mrs Love

Primary 3 – Sports Day 2020!

Good morning Primary 3.

I hope you had a wonderful weekend.

Today would have been our Sport’s Day to kick start health fortnight 2020. Not to worry though, as you will be taking part in Sport’s Day… at home!

Look at the form below and the activities to do.


Take part in at least six activities, although, you can earn extra points for your house if you compete in more activities. You have until noon on Thursday the 18th of June to submit your totals using this link:  https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=oyzTzM4Wj0KVQTctawUZKTNw_FEmcHVFlGESpNOHdVVUQ1VZMU1MSUg5RFJNWTBDTTlWQUdDSE9CMy4u

Send photos of yourself participating in Sport’s Day 2020 to my email address or on Twitter, tag @MrsLoveP3 so that I can see them. It would be amazing to see flat Mrs Love in on the action as well. If using twitter for these photo’s remember to use the hashtag #FlatMrsLoveOnTour

As it is Sport’s Day, I have included a Sport’s Day Mystery Maths game to do. Who has stolen the trophy?! There are different levels of this so choose the one that you would prefer.

Mild: t-n-2545208e-ks1-the-mystery-of-the-sports-day-trophy-maths-game

Hot: T-N-2545208A-KS1-The-Mystery-of-the-Sports-Day-Trophy-Maths-Game-Eco-Black-and-White[1]

Spicy: t-n-2545208d-ks1-the-mystery-of-the-sports-day-trophy-maths-game

Also, as an extra fun activity to do, P3 can design their own medal: cfe2-p-85-design-a-sports-day-medal-activity-sheet

I will post the activity grid for ‘Health Fortnight’ on a separate blog post. So take a look to see what activities you can take part in over the next two weeks.

Have a fantastic Sports Day 2020 and I cannot wait to see your pictures and to find out how you have got on!

Best of luck and take care,

Mrs Love

Health Fortnight Begins…

Hopefully you have by now seen the information for Sports Day tomorrow. If not, it is here on the blog and also on Teams in the Important Messages Channel.

Sports Day and the and the activities on the Health Grid (posted below) should be the main focus of these final two weeks of school before the holidays. I have also posted a normal learning grid just in case anyone has time for something else. All previous work is still available on the blog and on Teams so if there is anything you want to go back and do, or finish off the option is there.


P4 Learning at Home Grid 20 06 15

White Rose Maths Lessons Week 11

Lesson 1 – Equivalent lengths – mm and cm 2019

Lesson 2 – Compare lengths 2019

Week 11 Flashback Cards

analogue time 5 minute intervals draw hands

analogue time 5 minute intervals

analogue time 15 minute intervals draw hands

analogue time 15 minute intervals

Week 11 Spelling Lemon

Week 11 Spelling Lime

Week 11 Spelling Scarlet

Week 11 Spelling Turquoise


Lesson Presentation Jewish Synagogue

Parts of a Synagogue Matching Activity

Les Fruits

Rainbow Colour Mixing Science Activity

Fireworks in a Glass


P2(P2/1) Weekly Learning Grid Week Beginning 15th June 2020

Good Morning. Please find below the link to the learning grid and resources for this week.

P2 learning grid week beginning 15th June 2020


Happy Cat Uplevelling Sentences

Uplevelling Sentences Activity Powerpoint

Activity Cards – Make Equal Groups – Grouping

Make Arrays – Activity Cards


Under the sea – Compare Turtles and Tortoises


Just a wee reminder today(15th June) is Sports Day. Please see blog post from Friday for details. Look forward to seeing your photos.

Have a lovely week.

Miss Maclachlan x