P2/1 Weekly Learning Reflection W/E 28th August 2020

Good Afternoon. P2/1 have settled in really well to our new routines. We have been having lots of fun getting to know each other and learning.

In Literacy P1 have this week learned the sounds ‘s’ and ‘d’ and the tricky word me. We have made the letters with playdough, looked for them in a book, made a finger painted snake and a dinosaur. P2 have been revising the ee and ea sound. We have looked for words in a word search, taught ted words with these sounds, played roll and read and completed graffiti spelling.

In Numeracy P1 have been learning about the numbers 2 and 3. We have made 2 and 3 out of playdough, made families of 3 using our counting bears, made towers of 2 and 3 using Lego and counted out buttons on a gingerbread man up to 5. P2 have been focusing on one more than and one less than within 10 then 20. We have found the number one more than and less than using number fans, numbers spinners and played a game using dice. We have completed missing number worksheets as well.

As a class we have been focusing on our wellbeing indicators. These are Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible and Included. We have spoken about what these words mean to us and how we can be these things. We have drawn pictures to illustrate how we feel healthy, active, nurtured and included.

We explored using mime to take on a character when reading Rumble in the Jungle. We acted out the different animals found in the book and our friends had to guess what animal we were.

Here are a few of the children’s reflections:
“I enjoyed everything this week.”
“I learned how to write the letter d.”
“I learned to write the letters s and d.”
“I have been using the sounds ee and ea to write words.”
“I also enjoyed everything this week.”
“I enjoyed learning this week.”

P6 Learning wk.beg.24.8.20

We have been doing the bleep test in our our P.E and hope to improve next time.

We have also been doing our maths assignments and got little slips of paper saying what we have to improve on.

Our RME topic with Mrs Smith is about values and beliefs and this week have been looking at Lebron James  and chatting about what we know and what we see him do.  We have tried think if his actions tell us his values.

We have been learning Roman Numerals with long place value.

Authors: Euan and Michael



Welcome back to school for the new Primary 4!

Good afternoon everyone,

I hope you are well and the children have all settled in well and have been enjoying being back at school and seeing their friends again. It has been wonderful to see them all again. I just wanted to update you on a few things that I have sent in letters and bits of information to pass on to you.

  1. PE days are a Tuesday and a Thursday and if you could make sure that you send your child to school wearing joggers with their school polo shirt and outdoor trainers on those days. We may also go outside on a Wednesday afternoon so you may also want your child to wear the same then.
  2. Make sure the pupils bring a full water bottle with them to school as they are not able to fill up their bottles once they are in school.
  3. Can you ensure that your child has indoor shoes and if they have not done so already, could bring them in on Monday. Thank you.
  4. A reminder that school lunches are no longer free as the children have moved up to P4. If you would like your child to have a school lunch then payment can be made to the office.
  5. Milk is available now, if needed, you can make a payment to the office also.

If you have any questions or to need a chat with me, you can email me directly or call/email through the office which can pass on messages and I will get back to you as soon as I can. As you are aware, parents of Primary 4 are not to come through the school gates and are to wait on the path or the field for drop off or collection. This means that I cannot have the usual chats in the playground at the end of the day. Please feel free to contact me by other means listed above.

Thank you.

Mrs Love

P1 Outdoor PE

P1 will have outdoor PE on a Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Children should come to school dressed in joggers, school T-shirt and sweatshirt or jumper as we will not be changing into PE kit in school. Please also ensure that your child has a jacket and suitable outdoor shoes which they can put on and take off independently.

Many thanks, Ms King

P6 Bikeability

Good news! Our P6 bikeability programme is able to go ahead at this time with social distancing measures in place. This will commence on Friday 11th September. Further details will be issued next week. Please note: this may be subject to change if government advice on COVID 19 changes.

P6 learning week beginning 17.8.20

In maths we have been revising and learning about place value to hundreds of thousands. We have explored and audio story and listened for clues to find the murderer in the the mystery/ thriller tale.

We have been thinking about about how small things make a big difference through the book The Boy, The Mole, The fox and The Horse.

we have completely finished our maths and spelling check ups and we are looking forward to learning from our efforts.

Our comprehension work was challenging but fun. Some of us have really enjoyed our PE outside, and others enjoyed the free playground time too.


Our PE days will be Monday and Thursday.

As  PE is outdoors at the moment, all children are asked to wear their outdoor kits to school on these days.

Outdoor PE kits should consist of joggers/tracksuit bottoms/leggings and school polo/white top. Please also send children with a jumper/jacket that they can wear outside if necessary. Children should wear outdoor shoes ( trainers) suitable for PE on these days.

Due to current circumstances children are unable to use school water fountains, so we ask that they bring extra water with them on these days.

P.E Days for P2/1 2020/2021

Good afternoon. P2/1 will have P.E on a Monday and Wednesday. As P.E is outdoors at the moment the children can come to school dressed in their joggers, a white T-shirt or school polo shirt and a school sweatshirt. We have P.E for the first time tomorrow (Wednesday 19th August). Don’t forget to bring 2 water bottles.

Thank you for your continued support.

Miss Maclachlan

PE Information – P3

Our PE days will be Monday and Wednesday.

As  PE is outdoors at the moment, all children are asked to wear their outdoor kits to school on these days.

Outdoor PE kits should consist of joggers/tracksuit bottoms/leggings and school polo/white top. Please also send children with a jumper/jacket that they can wear outside if necessary. Children should wear outdoor shoes ( trainers) suitable for PE on these days.

Due to current circumstances children are unable to use school water fountains, so we ask that they bring extra water with them on these days.

Many Thanks

Miss Greig

PE Information P7

Our PE days will be Wednesday and Friday.

As  PE is outdoors at the moment all children are asked to wear their outdoor kits to school on these days.

Outdoor PE kits should consist of joggers/tracksuit bottoms/leggings and school polo/white top. Please also send children with a jumper/jacket that they can wear outside if necessary. Children should wear outdoor shoes ( trainers) suitable for PE on these days.

Due to current circumstances children are unable to use school water fountains, so we ask that they bring extra water with them on these days.

Many Thanks

Mrs T 🙂