P1 Home Learning

 P1 are excited to bring home their home learning today! Check out this link which explains how to say the pure sounds.

If you have any questions about the activities please get in touch.

Ms King x

P6 learning wk.beg. 21.9.20

This week we have learned how to round a number up to the nearest 10, 100, 1000 and up to a million, it was pretty easy but some people struggled.

We have been writing a recount about lock down 🙂  We also did a  comprehension task which helped us to practise predicting what came next by looking for clues and evidence in the text, and using what we know.

We have learned about feelings and how they affect our body, and how they show to others.

We  did our didbook survey and today we all raised money for Macmillan cancer charity you could help too.

On wednesday we spent some time outside identifying leaves and trees,such as an oak tree and a holly bush.

by p6 Rocco and Aydan

P1 Learning reflection W/E 25.9.20

This has been a short but busy week in P1. We revised all our learned sounds and built words using the magnetic boards, so far we have learned: m, a, s, d, t, i, n, p, g, and o! In handwriting the children had to focus on using a good pencil grip and correct letter formation, some of the children managed to write some CVC words independently using learned sounds, fantastic! The children have started to use tickled pink and green for growth to self-assess their learning. For tickled pink the children highlight in pink one piece of super writing, then they use the green for growth highlighter to show something they need to practise more. In maths, the children have used beads, bricks, paint, ICT and pegboards to create their own repeated patterns using two or three different colours. You can access the ICT game they have enjoyed playing below:


Children’s Learning Highlights

Grace – We were drawing the things we like to smell and the things we don’t like to smell. I like to smell apple cake and I don’t like to smell Dad’s slippers.

Oliver – We did repeating colours, we made a repeating pattern. I made a necklace with red and orange!

Georgia – We were making words with the letters, I made ‘sam’.

Kyra – I liked handwriting, we did down the insect’s body and a dot for his head. The pink pen is for your best one and the green one if for your worst one.

Ella – I enjoyed playing in the garden.

Josh – Learning French, we learned to say hello, bonjour!

Grace – I have enjoyed colouring the little boy and girl who were saying bonjour to each other.

P3 Learning Reflection – 25.09.20

P3 Weekly Learning Reflection – 25.09.20

It’s been a short but busy week in P3. Here are some of our learning highlights that we’d like to share with you…

Poppy: “I’ve been enjoying all the space activities. I liked learning about all the different planets and designing our space class charter.”

Kaelan: “We went to space! We built rockets with our bodies and we even opened the hatch and explored all the space around us!”

Euan: “I learnt how to do the counting back strategy in maths. I find it really easy now I’ve practiced. The last question was really hard but I managed to do it. The answer was 66.”

Austin: “I enjoyed doing the 4 way Hoop Hop challenge in P.E. this week. There was 4 teams and you had to make it over to another team. All of your team have to end up at another starting point.”

Ziva: “I found the Hoop Hop in P.E. fun. You had to make sure you didn’t go down the same lane as someone else so you have to be careful and make sure you look about.”

Gabriel: “We made Colour Monster emotion hands in art last week. Each finger was a different emotion.”

Leo: “I enjoyed writing about when we went to space. I liked going on the journey, we built a rocket in groups and blasted off together!”

Hiba: “I liked learning how to do the counting back strategy in maths. You have to draw a number line, the biggest number goes to the left and then you chunk the other number and take it away from the biggest number.”

Murdo: “I liked doing the Hoop Hop challenge in P.E. because it was really fun. It was a lot harder doing it 4 different ways.”

James: “I really liked going to space with the class. We built everything we needed with our bodies. We collected space dust and rocks to take back to earth with us.”

P4 – Issues logging on to Teams via Glow

Good afternoon,

I thought I would quickly say that some pupils are experiencing issues logging onto ‘Teams’ via glow. If the pupil’s log-in details do not work, please try to use the pupils email address as the username. It will be their username@glow.sch.uk

e.g. mrslove@glow.sch.uk

Thank you.

Mrs Love

Last week in P4

Good afternoon,

Apologies for this post’s late arrival, I had some technical issues on Friday.

This week in P4:

In Literacy, we planned our first draft of our recount writing about a lesson the class had really enjoyed from the previous week; where we went out to the garden to explore for items and listed the nouns and adjectives to describe them. We also continued our work in spelling, this week in different groups to work on sounds/spelling rules.

In Maths, we are nearly finished working on our place value. We were also counting forwards and backwards in 2’s,5’s,10’s and 100’s and looking at the pattern on the 100 square/1000 square.

We worked on our HWB focus on the film ‘Inside Out’, comparing ‘Fear’ and ‘Disgust’ then the traits of ‘Sadness’.

In PE, we finished working on our fitness techniques and were lucky enough to have an introduction to hockey from our schools Primary 7 sports captains (socially distanced). The class each had a stick and ball which they used, with were then cleaned before and after use to ensure health and safety procedures were followed. Primary Four washed their hands before and after PE.

I hope you all had a lovely weekend,

Mrs Love


P6 Sharing the Learning Wk.Beg.14.9.20

One of the highlights this week was practising our discussion skills.  Remembering to listen was difficult when we had so much to say and wanted to share our opinions.  The topics were fun such as ‘Blue is a special colour.’ ,   ‘We do not need oceans.’ ,  ‘Ten is not a real number.’ and It is important to have something to believe in.’We had to remember to listen to others so we could respond, and we had to try and think up different responses and ideas.

We enjoyed maths and our teachers really made us think about how we get to an answer.

We learned about coding this week and created some animations, it was fun and can’t wait to do it again.

We went outside to revise our knowledge of nouns and proper nouns with a alphabet scavenger hunt.  The letter x, y and z were really hard.

P1 Learning Reflection W/E 18.9.20

This week in P1 we have been learning the sounds o and g. In numeracy, we have been counting and sorting numbers and finding the number before.  P1 enjoyed playing bean bag games for outdoor PE this week. Please see below for some of the children’s comments about their learning highlights from this week.

Kaylan – I enjoyed playing outside

Jessica – I liked playing the game with the beanbags

Izaan – Learning the sound ‘o’ and ‘g

Josh – Learning about ‘o’ we painted ‘o‘ and did tell ted. You have to tell the teddy and show them how to do ‘o‘, you go all the way around the orange.

Kyra – I liked music,  we thought about how the music makes us feel. I felt like I was dancing in a party.

P2/1 Weekly Learning Reflection W/E 18th September 2020

Good Afternoon. P2/1 have had a busy week full of lots of learning. In Literacy, P1 have this week learned the sounds ‘g’ and ‘o’ and the tricky word said. We have made the letters with playdough, made a giraffe and an octopus, taught ted and coloured in ‘o’ pictures. We also made words on our magnetic boards using the letters learned so far. P2 have been revising the ‘air’ and ‘are’ sounds. We rolled dice with letters on them to make real and nonsense words, played snakes and ladders, played roll and read and completed a word search. We also did reading.

In Numeracy P1 have been learning about the number 10 and finding the number one after a given number. We have made 10 out of playdough, drawn stories of 10, spun the spinner to find the number after and played a dice game. P2 have been exploring fact families, the part part whole model, writing number sentences using the add sign. We completed a number line worksheet, wrote fact families and completed part part whole models.

In Health and Wellbeing this week we looked at the tool of keep connected. We spoke about people who support and encourage us. We then created our own back up team. We sorted out animals into their habitats. On Thursday afternoon we looked at coding. We had to help Rusty the Robot get to his desk by following a code. We then explored programming a BeeBot.

Here are a few of the children’s reflections:

“I found it tricky when coding Rusty the Robot to get him in the right box.”

“I enjoyed learning about coding.”

“I found it tricky when Rusty the Robot had to avoid his friends and the bugs and we had to turn him left or right.”

“I enjoyed learning the ‘g’ and ‘o’ sounds.”

“I liked making my own Geraldine giraffe.”

“I enjoyed coding Rusty the Robot.”

“I enjoyed making an octopus using breakfast cereal.”

“I enjoyed programming the BeeBot.”

“I liked using BeeBot.”

Have a lovely long weekend.

Miss Maclachlan

P2 Homework Grid for September/October 2020

Good Afternoon

Please find attached the homework grid for September/October for Primary 2. The children will share their home learning on Friday 9th October. All children must do the task of preparing a 2 minute talk all about themselves. Talks will be heard in class the week beginning the 5th October. The children can choose a minimum of 2 other tasks to complete from the remaining 5 tasks.

P2 HL Term 1

Thank you for your continued support.

Miss Maclachlan  and Miss Fletcher