P6 Sharing the Learning Wk.Beg.14.9.20

One of the highlights this week was practising our discussion skills.  Remembering to listen was difficult when we had so much to say and wanted to share our opinions.  The topics were fun such as ‘Blue is a special colour.’ ,   ‘We do not need oceans.’ ,  ‘Ten is not a real number.’ and It is important to have something to believe in.’We had to remember to listen to others so we could respond, and we had to try and think up different responses and ideas.

We enjoyed maths and our teachers really made us think about how we get to an answer.

We learned about coding this week and created some animations, it was fun and can’t wait to do it again.

We went outside to revise our knowledge of nouns and proper nouns with a alphabet scavenger hunt.  The letter x, y and z were really hard.