Primary 3 – Sports Day 2020!

Good morning Primary 3.

I hope you had a wonderful weekend.

Today would have been our Sport’s Day to kick start health fortnight 2020. Not to worry though, as you will be taking part in Sport’s Day… at home!

Look at the form below and the activities to do.


Take part in at least six activities, although, you can earn extra points for your house if you compete in more activities. You have until noon on Thursday the 18th of June to submit your totals using this link:

Send photos of yourself participating in Sport’s Day 2020 to my email address or on Twitter, tag @MrsLoveP3 so that I can see them. It would be amazing to see flat Mrs Love in on the action as well. If using twitter for these photo’s remember to use the hashtag #FlatMrsLoveOnTour

As it is Sport’s Day, I have included a Sport’s Day Mystery Maths game to do. Who has stolen the trophy?! There are different levels of this so choose the one that you would prefer.

Mild: t-n-2545208e-ks1-the-mystery-of-the-sports-day-trophy-maths-game

Hot: T-N-2545208A-KS1-The-Mystery-of-the-Sports-Day-Trophy-Maths-Game-Eco-Black-and-White[1]

Spicy: t-n-2545208d-ks1-the-mystery-of-the-sports-day-trophy-maths-game

Also, as an extra fun activity to do, P3 can design their own medal: cfe2-p-85-design-a-sports-day-medal-activity-sheet

I will post the activity grid for ‘Health Fortnight’ on a separate blog post. So take a look to see what activities you can take part in over the next two weeks.

Have a fantastic Sports Day 2020 and I cannot wait to see your pictures and to find out how you have got on!

Best of luck and take care,

Mrs Love