P3 Maths 09/06/2020

Good morning Primary 3,

I hope you had a good day yesterday.

I have included two different lots of worksheets on symmetry for you to do today.

The first one is where you will draw the mirror image from a line of symmetry.

The second worksheet has the lines of symmetry already and you can create your own shapes or drawings from them. Remember that they must be symmetrical though, a mirror image! So think of simple shapes which can be easily mirrored (circles, squares, rectangles, triangles etc.). I found a great video explaining symmetry to help you which I have included below.

Video: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/ztpyr82

Worksheets: t2-m-280-draw-the-other-half-symmetry-activity-sheet-_ver_3[1]


Have a great day!

Mrs Love

P2(P2/1) Learning Grid Week Beginning 8th June 2020

Good Morning.

Please find below the link for the learning grid and resources for this week.

P2 learning grid week beginning 8th June 2020



Add Equal Groups – Activity Cards

Counting in 5s



Kim’s Game – shells

Have a good week.

Miss Maclachlan x

P3 Home learning W.C.- 08/06/2020

Good morning Primary 3,

I hope you had a wonderful weekend with your family. I am missing you all lots and I hope you and your families are healthy.

Here is this weeks learning grid:

P3 Home learning – Summer term Week 8

Extra resources for this weeks learning grid:






Various Menu frames to choose from, you can even add prices to the menu: au-t-3930-menu-writing-frames

Have a fantastic week and remember to send me over photos of you and your wonderful work. Can’t wait to see them!

Take care,

Mrs Love