Primary 3 – Thursday 25th of June

Bonjour ma classe,

I hope you had a wonderful day yesterday. I cannot believe we are almost at the end of term! It has come in so quickly.

Today I would like you to answer these Maths questions in your jotter or on a piece of paper:

Then I would like you to reflect on your year as Primary 3. Think about all you have achieved this year.

  • What have you been proud of yourself for?
  • What was your favourite moment of P3?
  • What has been the thing that you have improved the most in Primary 3?

I would like you to complete the pages below. Draw a selfie from this year of the moments you have been most proud of. Then I would like you write in the speech bubbles on the second page. How you feel about Primary 3. Use the questions above to give you some ideas and use the speech bubbles to express them.

End of year selfie

How I feel about my experiences in Primary 3

I would like you all to give it one last big push at the Sumdog West Lothian challenge. Log on and play as much as you can before the challenge ends tonight. Good luck!

Have a great day.

Mrs Love

Primary 3

Good afternoon Primary 3,

Two pieces of news for you…

  1. I have just had the wonderful news that we have reached 1,100 books on Epic! Wow! Well done P3!
  2.  Update on WL Sumdog competition: We have jumped all the way down to 71st place 😟 But there is still time! If you can all get on to Sumdog at some point over today and tomorrow we can get a higher position! 👍 The more you play, the higher position we get! Let’s do this P3! 🏅

Mrs Love

P3 Home Learning Wednesday 24.6.20

Good morning Primary 3, I can’t believe that this is our last week of the school session! I just want to say that it has been a pleasure to teach you again this year. You have achieved so much and I am very proud of you. I wish you all the best as you move on to Primary 4.

Here are your home learning activities for today and the resources you will need. You can record the answers to the activities in your jotter or on the sheets if you are able to print them.

Have a great summer P3!

Miss Whigham

Here are the links to today’s activities:

End of the year writing activity sheet

Multiplication Word Problem Thinkboard Activity Sheet

All about me looking after yourself powerpoint

All about me looking after yourself activity sheets

Summer sensory poem activity sheet