Primary 3 Home Learning Wednesday 17.6.20

Good morning Primary 3. I hope you are enjoying health and fitness fortnight. Here are your home learning activities for today and the resources you will need. You can record the answers to the learning tasks in your jotter or on the sheets if you are able to print them.

Maths – Healthy eating addition and subtraction maths activity. Please complete one of the activity sheets. Choose the one that challenges you the most! Please find attached a 100 square grid to help you.

Literacy – Fact or opinion? Have a look at the power point attached. Can you work out which of the statements are facts or opinions? Are you able to make up your own fact or opinion statements? Please write the answers down in your jotter or on a piece of paper.

RME – We often think about how we can be kind to others. Have you ever thought about how you can be kind to yourself?

French – French sports and hobbies

Enjoy the rest of your week.

Miss Whigham

Healthy eating addition and subtraction facts up to 100 maths mosaic activity

100 Square

Fact or opinion powerpoint

Being kind to yourself activity sheet

Lesson Presentation Sports

Different sports snap card game French